NEW! Sprint Adventure Race maps. Includes 1km foot-o courses ideal training. And 10-12km river trail courses ideal bike nav.
ALSO B-Max Beginner MTBO event maps. AND U-Max Do-It-Yourself event maps.
You can orienteer at scheduled events, and take advantage of map sales, being timed, the atmosphere, meeting people, help etc. The lightweight control markers are set out for the day and taken in afterwards.
OR you can orienteer at a time that suits you on a permanent course. The control markers may be specially inscribed posts, or plaques fixed to a fence or building, or distinctive landmarks. You get copies of the map from a nearby agent, or perhaps from the internet, and you look after yourself.
Feedback! We want to know if you like these courses! Email the name of your group (eg "Smith family"), the number of people in it, and which course you did and when, to
OHV Webmaster.
Use "Permanent Orienteering Course" as the subject, and add your comments. We'll try and reply with a suggestion about the next club event in the Greater Wellington area, which we think would be good for you.
This page was first assembled by
Michael Wood, and was last updated on
19 Feb 20.
© Orienteering Hutt Valley
- Brookfield Scout Camp, Moores Valley, Wainuiomata. Accommodation buildings and campsites in a bushclad setting, with numerous tracks. Area 0.5sq.km. 26 permanent control markers consisting of wooden posts, and the warden holds a kit of laminated maps with all the points marked. There's also an instructor's guide suggesting various combinations of the controls for beginners, second-timers, etc.
Alternatively you can download the map and print yourself a copy. The area is not public property; permission for use should be sought from the warden, Ph 04 564 1000.
- Wellington Waterfront. Wharves, parks, pubs, cafes, museums, art galleries, playgrounds, etc. The City Safari has a short prologue using landmarks as control points, to visit them all would be a pleasant 20-30min jog for the fit or a 40-60min stroll for a family group. Choice of two: the 2014 map (A4 500kb) and the 2014 control list and questions. Or the 2011 map (A4 520kb) and the 2011 control list and questions. Also see Metlink City Safari below.
- Mt Victoria, Wellington. Steep town belt with passable forest and numerous paths. Public reserve handy to downtown Wellington. There are 30 control points consisting of an orange/white plaque fixed to a feature such as a post, and the instructions suggest four different courses you can do, starting from the top of Majoribanks St. Download the map and instructions from the Wellington Orienteering Club website.
- Waikanae Park, Park Avenue, Waikanae. Public reserve with gardens, bush, paths, open areas. Adjacent swimming pool. There are 24 control points consisting of wooden posts with a small orange/white plate, and the instructions suggest three different courses you can do. Maps which include the instructions are available from Kapiti Coast Service Centres or download it here.
- Sprint Adventure Race Courses.
Sprint AR is a short (1.5-2hr) combination of bike orienteering on the Hutt River Trail, linking several 1km-ish foot-orienteering courses. Control markers have been taken in, but they are on good features, nav difficulty is yellow level. Do them together, or cherry-pick a single course for beginners. We also have planners' leg-by-leg hints which can be used as a coaches guide.
The following courses are available. After each MTB course there follows the foot courses that it links up.
Hutt River Trail from Moonshine to Totara Park Bridge |
29 controls, 10km, designed for MTBs. Links to four foot-o courses below, or ignore them and just have a ride. Goes up the west side of the river, and returns on the east. Involves crossing the Whakatiki River which is not always possible, but fine at summer flows. Some riding through suburb of Riverstone Terraces to avoid serious slips on a section of the river trail. |
Starts and finishes in Moonshine Park on the riverbank near the Moonshine Bridge on SH2. |
Three maps: Download North map, (699kb) and Middle map, (1059kb) and South map, (1000kb). |
Under the Cliffs |
6 controls, 0.8km. River flats below the suburb of Riverstone Terraces, with patches of passable and impassable bush. Dry depressions (in summer). Network of tracks including one through an unusually deep chasm. |
Starts at a track junction near the end of Riverstone Drive - a mowed strip next to the last house gives easy access from the street end. |
Download map. (2159kb, its in the same file as Poets Park.) |
The Tower |
9 controls, 0.6km. Tiny area with new willow plantings, stony riverbed with old channels and ponds, a stone tower, and some cool native forest. |
Starts on the less-used western river trail about 2km south of the Totara Park Bridge. Vehicle access restricted to logging traffic and horse grazing lessees so you cant drive there, but easy to bike there. |
Download map. (2516kb, its in the same file as The Rock Garden.) |
The Rock Garden |
11 controls, 0.8km. Riverbank area where boulders and concrete blocks are stockpiled for river control work. Unusual mounds of earth etc. |
Starts near the second left exit off SH2, after crossing the Moonshine Bridge, heading north. After taking the exit turn north into a carpark and the S/F are a little north of that. |
Download map. (2516kb, its in the same file as The Tower.) |
Poets Park Tree Maze |
9 controls, 1.0km. Parkland with mature trees, all of which are shown. The bright yellow has been removed within the boundary formed by dense riverside vegetation on one side, and SH2 on the other. And also tracks and fences are removed. Controls of course are on trees - the far side heh heh. |
Starts near the first left exit off SH2, after crossing the Moonshine Bridge, heading north. Park near the toilet and head south. |
Download map. (2159kb, its in the same file as Under the Cliffs. |
Hutt River Trail from Silverstream to Moonshine Bridge |
20 controls, 10km, designed for MTBs. Links to four foot-o courses below, or ignore them and just have a ride. Goes up the east side of the river, and returns on the west. |
Starts on the riverbank at the end of County Lane, Silverstream (near the golf driving range). |
Four maps: Download North map, (930kb) and Mid-north map, (1170kb) and Mid-south map, (850kb) and South map, (1070kb). Also see Planner's hints. |
St Pats College Farmland |
7 controls, 1.3km. Farmland with subtle depressions and native plantings alongside stream. |
Starts at the stream crossing straight down the drive beside the main playing fields, or access from the River up the stream. |
Download map. (440kb, its in the same file as Upper Hutt College.) Also see Planner's hints. |
Trentham Memorial Park |
9 controls, 1km. Part of Bartons Bush that is not fenced off, with interesting watercourses and lots of tracks. Route choices through the bush or round the tracks and edges. |
Starts at "Picnic Area 4" which is an inlet in the trees with two picnic tables. |
Download map. (490kb, its in the same file as Keith George Park.) Also see Planner's hints. |
Upper Hutt College |
9 controls, 0.9km. High School campus, and across playing fields to Fergusson Intermediate School. Route choices round buildings etc. |
Starts near the high canopy on the SE side of the college. |
Download map. (440kb, its in the same file as the St Pats map.) Also see Planner's hints. |
Keith George Park |
7 controls, 0.9km. Different part of KG from the earlier AR2, this is a little network of tracks in native bush at the base of the hill. |
Starts on the west side of a culvert under SH2, just north of the Silverstream Bridge turnoff. You can't U-turn on SH2 so if travelling north, turn into a small carpark and follow a path over a small bridge. If travelling south get onto a gravel riverside road, find the culvert, and walk through. |
Download map. (490kb, its in the same file as Upper Hutt College) Also see Planner's hints. |
Hutt River Trail from Belmont Domain to Manor Park |
21 controls, 12km, designed for MTBs. Links to four foot-o courses below, or ignore them and just have a ride. Uses the west side of the river, and return on Hebden Crescent (oldl main road), with crossing of SH2 on footbridges. Note that Hebden Cres has heavy quarry traffic 6 days a week but is fine for biking on Sundays. |
Starts near the Dry Creek entrance to Belmont Regional Park, access from Haywards interchange. |
Four maps: Download North map, (1200kb) and Mid-north map, (1200kb) and Mid-south map, (900kb) and South map, (900kb). Also see Planner's hints. |
Keith George Memorial Park |
8 controls, 1.2km. Bush tracks behind Haywards Substation. Steep dropoffs but a taste of adventure. |
Starts at the end of McDougall Gr, via the Manor Park station carpark. |
Download map. (1100kb) Also see Planner's hints. |
Pomare Bridge west riverbank |
10 controls, 1km. Young willows ideal compass practice and the riverbed. The last couple of controls are subject to river flows. |
Starts at Pomare rail bridge, access from the end of Mary Huse Grove, Manor Park. |
Download map. (1100kb, its in the same file as Keith George Park.) Also see Planner's hints. |
Belmont Domain |
9 controls, 1.5km. Parkland with rhododendron maze and riverside willows. |
Starts at the north end of the domain, via Owen Street off SH2. |
Download map. (1200kb) Also see Planner's hints. |
Belmont Regional Park Dry Creek entrance |
10 controls, 1.2km. Attractive park entrance and campervan parking alongside the un-dry Dry Creek. |
Starts at a vehicle track off Hebden Cres 200m south of the park gateway. Best access from the Haywards interchange. |
Download map. (1200kb, its in the same file as Belmont Domain) Also see Planner's hints. |
Hutt River Trail from Ewen to Kennedy-Good Bridge |
26 controls, 9km, designed for MTBs. Links to four foot-o courses below, or ignore them and just have a ride. Uses both sides of the river, short-cut available at Melling Bridge. |
Starts at the southern end of the riverbank carpark, Lower Hutt. |
Three maps: Download South map, (1000kb) and Middle map, (1000kb) and North map, (1000kb). Also see Planner's hints. |
Hutt Valley High School |
9 controls, 1km.Individual use OK at weekends, best to ask school for a group. |
Starts at the cricket nets by the stopbank. |
Download map. (695kb) Also see Planner's hints. |
Melling Bridge west riverbank |
13 controls, 0.9km. There's a network of tracks under the bridge! Tracks and river edge are subjectto change. |
Starts at the edge of the station carpark. |
Download map. (595kb) Also see Planner's hints. |
Belmont School |
11 controls, 1.1km. Individual use OK at weekends, best to ask school for a group. Building work (marked out of bounds) has been completed since. |
Starts at the back gate near the riverside parking. |
Download map. (695kb, its in the same file as HVHS) Also see Planner's hints. |
Melling riverbank east side |
9 controls, 0.9km. Riverbank willows and small hills ideal contour appreciation. |
Starts at the end of Mills St off Connolly. |
Download map. (595kb, it's in the same file as Melling Bridge) Also see Planner's hints. |
- B-Max Beginner MTB-Orienteering Courses. B-Max is our label for beginner Mountain-bike Orienteering. We hold them on gentle terrain such as the Hutt riverbanks, or the Kapiti Coast. Although the markers may have been taken in, you can generally figure out where they were - they are usually on trails! We are also beginning to put these courses on the cellphone app MapRun, and your phone will beep when you are there. The following B-Max courses are available. There have been others too, they will be listed here in due course.
Wainui Trail Park |
5km MTB-Orienteering course designed for beginners. It goes round the Wetland loop with some excursions, which kiddies etc could miss out. The park is multi-use so fine for footers too, just watch out for bikes. |
Wainui Trail Park carpark, Waiu St. From Lower Hutt, cross the Wainui Hill, left at roundabout, and left again into Waiu St. |
Download map (820kb) and course notes. |
- P-Max Mini Rogaine Courses.
These mini rogaines use distinctive landmarks as the control points, with a simple question at each one. P-Max is designed for one hour in or near the urban area - hence ideal for beginners and families or some quick thinking to do on a run. We'll add them here after they have been run. (A few control points reference a "ribbon code" and this would be a temporary marker which may have been removed.) Some GPX files are given for those with a GPS, you might like to see whether you can find the controls faster with a map or your clever box of tricks! But using both is cheating!!!
Korokoro |
2015 Winter P-Max #4 (1hr) Starting from Percy Reserve, bush tracks up to the top of Korokoro and Maungaraki. 26 Control pointss on or close to tracks. |
Percy Reserve has a carpark close to the Dowse Interchange on SH2, Lower Hutt. Followo road signs. |
Map (818k pdf),
and the control list and questions(196k pdf). |
Te Aro |
2015 Winter P-Max #3 (1hr) Starting from Central Park, bush tracks in the town belt towards Newtown, and also Polhill Reserve in Aro Valley. Controls on or close to tracks. 28 control points. |
Central Park is located south of the CBD, take Victoria St south, follow signs to Brooklyn and look for the park. |
Map (665k pdf),
and the control list and questions(300k pdf). |
Island Bay |
2014 Winter P-Max #3.5 (2hrs) Starting from Wakefield Park, bush tracks in the town belt, Tapu Te Ranga marae, Tawatawa Reserve etc. 33 Control points on or close to tracks. |
Wakefield Park is on the main drag to Island Bay. |
Map (850k pdf),
and the control list and questions(265k pdf). |
Te Aro |
2014 Winter P-Max #2 Starting from Central Park, bush tracks in the town belt and Polhill Reserve. Controls all on tracks. 27 control points. |
Central Park is located south of the CBD, take Victoria St south, follw signs to Brooklyn and look for the park. |
Map (670k pdf),
and the control list and questions(330k pdf). |
Kaukau |
2014 Winter P-Max #1 Starting from Onslow College, bush tracks to the summit of Mt Kaukau. 26 Controls all on tracks. |
Onslow College is on the main drag from Johnonsvill to Khandallah and Ngaio. |
Map (740k pdf),
and the control list and questions(250k pdf). |
Melling |
2013 Spring P-Max #3 The Lower Hutt CBD, riverbank, and across SH2 to Jubilee Park. 25 control points. |
Start... |
Map (785k pdf),
and the control list and questions(190k pdf). |
Petone |
2013 Spring P-Max #1, Alicetown, Woburn and Civic Centre, starting from the Garden of Appreciation near Sladden Park. 26 control points. |
From Cuba St which joins Lower Hutt to Petone, look for signs to Sladden Park just south of the railway overbridge. |
Map (670k pdf),
and the control list and questions(240k pdf). |
Belmont |
2013 P-Max #4, hill suburbs and the Hutt riverbanks. 26 control points. |
Start... |
Map (820k pdf),
and the control list and questions(240k pdf). |
Maungaraki |
2013 P-Max #3, part suburbs, part Belmont Regional Park tracks. 27 control points. |
Start... |
Map (620k pdf),
and the control list and questions(140k pdf). |
Upper Hutt |
2013 P-Max #2, central business district. 34 control points. |
Start... |
Map (350k pdf), and the
control list and questions(150k pdf). |
Naenae |
2013 P-Max #1, Naenae including the old cemetery. 26 control points. |
Start... |
Map (630k pdf),control list and questions(13k pdf). |
Korokoro |
2012 P-Max #3, Korokoro including Percys Reserve and Galbraiths Gully. 24 control points. |
Start... |
Map (672k pdf), and the
control list and questions(266k pdf) and the GPX file. |
Totara Park |
2012 P-Max #2, Totara Park and the east side of the Hutt River from the bridge to Harcourt Park. 26 control points.>/td>
| Start... |
Map (720k pdf), and the
control list and questions(180k pdf) and the GPX file. |
Petone |
2012 P-Max #1, Petone Riverbank from the railway bridge to the beach. 25 control points. |
Starting from the Garden of Appreciation (near Sladden Park). Sladden Park is signposted from Cuba St in Alicetown. |
Map (650k pdf), and the
control list and questions(180k pdf) and the GPX file. |
Tinakori |
2011 Q-Max (special P-Max for EQ fundraising), Tinakori Hill, now known as Te Ahumairangi, Wellington; approx 25 control points. |
Starting from the top of Weld St. |
Map (635k pdf)
and the GPX file. Sorry we didn't keep the question list from this event. |
Pinehaven |
2011 P-Max #4, Silverstream/Pinehaven, Upper Hutt; Approx 25 control points. |
starting from Pinehaven Reserve. |
Map (528k pdf)
and the GPX file. Sorry we didn't keep the question list from this event. |
Jubilee Park |
2011 P-Max #3, Central Lower Hutt/Jubilee Park; Approx 25 control points. |
Starting from the riverside carpark. |
Map (724k pdf)
and the GPX file. Sorry we didn't keep the question list from this event. |
Moonshine |
2011 P-Max #2, Moonshine, Upper Hutt; Approx 25 control points. |
Starting from Trentham Park. |
Map (638k pdf)
and the GPX file. Sorry we didn't keep the question list from this event. |
Avalon |
2011 P-Max #1, Avalon/Belmont, Lower Hutt; 26 control points. |
Starting from Avalon Park. |
Map (603k pdf)
and the GPX file. And download the question list (150k pdf) (re-created in 2019) for this event. |
- U-Max DIY Event Courses. U-Max is a low-key event formula where participants print their own maps from the web, meet and choose a couple of controls sites each, put out markers then run the course. After the event the plain map is replaced by one with the course on. Some of these maps show the U-Max course as run. Others are the blank map. There are lots more which will be listed here in due course.
Pilot Wetland |
Feb 2020 U-Max area. Stretch of the Hutt River around Belmont School. Includes the pilot wetland constructed by the regional council, also Belmont school and domain. Includes river crossing zones (calf deep when mapped but need to be tested by experienced person before using, do not attempt except during summer low flows.) There are also four tunnels which can provide interesting 2.5-D orienteering. |
Access to riverbank parking between Belmont School and the river. Could also start from Belmont Domain or Harcourt Werry Drive. |
Download north map (827kb) and south map (568kb). |
Stratton Street |
First 2017 U-Max. Short downhill course starts halfway up the hill, suggest explore your way up there thru new tracks and orienteer your way down. 8 controls, markers (red ribbons) have been left in position for red controls 2-5, the other locations are yellow. |
Access from the Stratton St roadend via "The Woolshed". |
Download map (628kb) |
Jubilee Park |
2016 Final U-Max. There are three parts to the course – a bush track yellow, an urban style yellow using both over and under the overbridge, and three additional red bush controls. Markers (bright orange ribbons) have been left in place for the red controls. |
Starts from the carpark on the hill side of the Normandale overbridge. |
Download map (657kb) |
Avalon/Belmont |
2016 U-Max #2 Riverbank terrain (trees very passable during winter, may thicken up during summer but lots of little tracks). 12 controls forming a 4.8km course which can easily be shortcut. |
Starting from the riverbank behind Belmont School, |
Download map (860k pdf) |
Melling |
2016 U-Max #1 Riverbank terrain (trees very passable during winter, may thicken up during summer but lots of little tracks). 15 controls forming a 4.7km course which can easily be shortcut to 3.2km. |
Starting from the north end of the riverbank carpark. |
Download map (770k pdf) |
- Afterwork Rogaine Courses. OHV rogaines often use question-and-answer controls at distinctive landmarks. These are sometimes supplemented by orange ribbons with code letters where no clear question can be written. For as long as the landmarks and ribbons stay there, these form a permanent course. They are generally designed for 3 hours activity, but of course it's possible to use just part of the course. Please ask the secretary if any of these are open for use.
- Metlink City Safari.
This annual event throughout Wellington is a question-and-answer rogaine which only uses permanent landmarks. It is designed to be done with the help of public transport; but it includes several areas of around 10 closely grouped controls which you could treat as little courses in their own right. Around 100 control points altogether, and more on the waterfront which is the "warm-up course". The whole package of maps and questions is $10 per set, plus $3 P&P. Order from the the OHV Secretary who will give you the bank account for payment. Worth it for the detailed track map of Wellington alone.
- Make Your Own Course. OHV maps of areas suitable for beginners (generally parks) may be downloaded. There are over 40 maps, there's probably one near you! Some of them have courses marked on them (from a recent club event) while for others you could design your own. You will need software that can add circles and numbers to a pdf file before printing, or participants can copy by hand from a master map. You could borrow "proper" flags and clippers, or you could create markers from recyclables such as plastic milk bottles with a code letter and a string to hang them from a tree or fence. .
- Other Parts of New Zealand. There's a list of permanent courses elsewhere in the country here. No details unfortunately but you can use the club directory to get further information.