Ecclesfield Reserve
Upper Hutt
An hour or so
Small area of bush tracks needs a review. Things on our rogaine mapping don't fit since we got better contours from UHCC.
St Pats Farm
Upper Hutt
An hour or so
At the north corner of the paddocks theres a triangle of scrub 200X100m which we've just been avoiding. Are there any routes thru it? Could it be mapped as a maze?
MAF Research Farm
An hour or two
Re-establish contact with owner and see if we can map.
Lower Hutt and Upper Hutt
Chunks of half a day or so
The riverbank is our largest park, and is always changing. The river is eating away at the banks as I write, the newly planted willows are progressing from yellow to scattered white to white to green.... Choose a chunk and mark updates, or simply report that a zone is/is not OK.
Upper Hutt
Half a day
We havent orienteered here for ages, CIT has changed hands, and HIBS has surely done building changes. What they need is a visit and talking to the (separate) owners to see whether there's still potential here.
Couple of half-day sessions
Tiny area possible around the filming location where the bush is passable, and a 2km bush loop with occasional off-track possibilities. Would be used in conjunction with campground map 500m away. Have set up a basemap by GPS-ing the tracks, and installed good contours.
Bullamahanga Landowners
A day
Of we have only used 1.5 in recent years. We need to keep in contact with the owner of the 1.5, and see whether any of the other bits are still usable. So diplomatic rather than technical skill:-))
Belmont Bunkers Maintenance
Lower Hutt
A day or so
Planners have suggested there might be something passable in those fenced off bush blocks close to the Hill Rd carpark. The new track from the carpark to Old Coach Road might open up some passable routes too. (We have the track on the map.)
Boys Brigade Campsite
A few days
Ideally there should be a map that camp groups can use. There was a map in the 80's, which has been fitted to modern aerial photos and contours. Now needs fieldwork to make it usable.
Sacred Heart College
Lower Hutt
A few days
College is adjacent to current civic centre mapping. No contours to worry about!
Taita College
Lower Hutt
A few days
College is next to "The Learning Connection" (formerly the Soil Bureau) and we once had a colour map. Hasn't been used for years so best to start afresh. We have good contours and modern aerial photos.
Naenae College
Lower Hutt
A few days
College is next to Intermediate. Hasn't been used for years so requires extensive updating. We have the old map and modern aerial photos. No contours to worry about!