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> Actually we don't have discrete "maps" any more, we have "mapped areas" that we carve a piece out of. To help you we've put in a bit of cross-referencing from possible place names. Another hint is that we've got mapping with different degrees of detail for different types of events. There are basically "Std symbols", then "Park/Sprint symbols" for our urban areas with more detail, and "MTBO/Rogaine symbols" for larger areas with less detail.

The "ocd" is the filename, we print as required to enable the latest version to be used. (Though the version number in these filenames will soon get out of date.) Many of these maps have some parts available for download, perhaps with courses on. Have a rummage where you see the D/L link, but note those downloads may not be the latest versions.

This page was first assembled by and was last updated on 26 Dec 24. © Orienteering Hutt Valley

x` x`
Avalon, Lower Hutt
Park/Sprint symbols
Includes Fraser Park, Avalon Park, Taita Central School, Belmont School, Belmont Domain and riverbank between. Popular area with lots of features. Map updated since playground and pond overhaul, and pilot wetland on the riverbank. Extended over to railway and absorbed Naenae College and Intermediate. Very good HCC Lidar based contours installed.D/L
Baring Head
Park/Sprint symbols
Baring Head lighthouse compound, and the rocks on the beach below. Envisage ultra-sprint possibility, probably as two separate tiny areas. Might need to be at an even bigger scale. A work in progress.

Battle Hill

Paekakariki Hill Rd Pauatahanui
Was 3.1km2 *

Std Symbols

Regional Council Farm Park. Inherited from KHAVOC; added reasonable amt steep forest on east 2009; great area with good parking and toilets. Highway construction from 2016 but large underpass has been built. Encroachment of equestrian activities restricts farmland. * Logging of forest 2023/4 has halved area available. Small bonus the deer paddocks are going to be available. New contours from PCC Lidar installed.

Western Hills
Lower Hutt 10km2
Park/Sprint symbols
Mixed urban with bush-filled gullies, covering Belmont, Kelson and Pareraho Forest. New map, fieldwork under way in Pareraho. Streets and Kelson School checked, but not Maranatha. Very good HCC Lidar based contours installed though it runs out in the bush.
Belmont Bunkers
(was called bpark to ver 21, may change to bunkers)
Hill Rd
Lower Hutt 10km2
Std symbols
Farm area with wartime concrete bunkers. Regional park. Steep in parts but mostly clean farmland. Some gorse growth and dead areas need updating, they are fencing off steeper slopes. Best in summer as exposed to all winds. Extension end of 2017 to Cannons Head. Extension also to Stratton St road-end (steep, little off-track, but heaps of MTB tracks.)
Belmont School or Domain Belmont, L/Hutt   See "Avalon". Scout Hall, rhododenron dell, BBQs, riverbank. D/L
Moores Valley Rd
Wainuiomata 0.5km2

Park/Sprint symbols

Scout Camp. Fields, buildings, bush tracks. For camp users, permanent course kit is held by the camp. Updated 2022. Better contours available in file moores, yet to be incorporated here. D/L
Brown Owl
Brown Owl, Upper Hutt 1:5000/0m
Park/Sprint symbols
California Park, Harcourt Park and the riverbank both sides. Birchville School and small bush adjacent. Timberlea on the other side of the hway (no FW yet). A very versatile area with a number of start points. Very good UHCC Lidar based contours installed. NB Was called "totara" before losing most of Totara Park to "uppercbd".

Bullamahanga bulla12.ocd

Moonshine Rd
Upper Hutt 4km2
Std symbols
Good-sized farm area, fairly steep. Subdivision, logging 2016 have reduced the usable area to Landowners haven't been talked to for QUITE a while.
California Park Totara Pk, U/Hutt   See "Totara Park". Connects to riverbank and Harcourt Park D/L
(was called catchpl to ver 20)
Coast Rd
Wainuiomata 1.0km2
Std symbols
Scenic valley in Rimutaka Forest Park. Area is net usable area, map includes steep native and plantation. Changes by storms and logging but there are some nice bush tracks. Off-track native bush is steep and challenging. See below for more detailed version. 5m HCC contours were installed 2016, and GW Lidar data now available - could perhaps improve some of it and extend a little.
Catchpool catchsprint06.ocd Coast Rd
Wainuiomata 1.0km2
Park/sprint symbols
Scenic valley in Rimutaka Forest Park. Detailed version of above, contours ex LiDAR-based 1m DEM, with three small areas totalling fieldworked at larger scale. The rest untouched. Suitable short distance, and training.
Chainsaw Wainuiomata of paddock, vegetation maze, and clean pine forest. Paddocks being sold and pines due for the chop but perfect for training in the meantime. See "Wainui East".
Chilton chilton28.ocd Waterloo Rd L/Hutt 0.025km2 1:2500/0m
Park/Sprint symbols
Small but complex school campus, updated 2019/20 summer. Updated to sharks teeth symbols 2023. Contains layout suitable for A4 at 1:1500. Part of huttcbd at reduced detail.
CIT and HIBS Heretaunga, Upper Hutt   See "Silverstream". Campus with extensive grounds, neighbouring army playing fields, school nearby. Has had no use or update for several years, think there are ownership changes (NZ Campus of Innovation and Sport).D/L
Civic Centre, LH Lower Hutt   See "Hutt CBD", feature-filled urban terrain. Updated since substantial Town Hall reconstruction, in good shape.D/L
Clusters Last Stand pporo07.ocd Ngaumu Forest Wairarapa 30km2 1:20,000/10m
MTBO/Rogaine symbols
Plantation forest with network of roads, logging tracks and some purpose-built single-track. Maybe. Not visited since about 2003 but could be good rogaine area. Contour origin unknown, its NOT GW2014 Lidar (but could be). 30min from Masterton.
Days Bay daysbay28.ocd (Was called daysb to ver 22) Marine Dr
Eastbourne 1.5km2
Park/Sprint symbols
Williams Park with school, beach, and surrounding bush tracks. Significant update 2010 but off-track bush needs re-doing. Big extension through Eastbourne streets to Burdans Gate 2015. Very good HCC Lidar based contours installed. D/L
East Harbour
(was called eharb to ver 35)

Eastbourne 166km2

MTBO/Rogaine symbols
NZTM alignment from ver 46 loses Wainuiomata to file lowerhutt; gains S half of file mckerrow. So Eastbourne, East Harbour RP incl Baring Head, Pencarrow lakes, Catchpool and lower Orongorongo Rvr. Inclides Ward Island tho unlikely to be used. Though steep much of the bush is relatively passable and this is a favourite. Lots of baitlines which are mapped as indistinct tracks.
El Rancho Waikanae   Outdoor camp on the edge of the Waikanae River. Although not contiguous it is part of the Waikanae Park file. Hobbit-map variation on std orienteering symbols.
Lower Hutt 4km2 1:5000/5m
Park/Sprint symbols
East of main railway; north of Waiwhetu; south of Naenae. Includes unusable Eastern Hills bush, MTB tracks vicinity of Summit Rd, and flat suburbs. Includes schools Epuni, Naenae. Very good HCC Lidar based contours installed in the suburbs; GW lidar used up in the hills.
Fraser Park Avalon, Lower Hutt   See "Avalon". Playing fields, sports hub building, former Avalon studios now business park, riverbank.
Harcourt Park Maoribank, U/Hutt   See "Totara Park". Beautiful park with lots of features. Extends along river to SH2, connects over river to California Park. D/L
Hikoikoi Park Petone, L/Hutt   See "Petone". Playing fields, playground, boatsheds, beach. D/L
Hutt CBD
Central Lower Hutt 1:5000/5m
Park/Sprint symbols
Includes Hutt Rec, Civic Centre, Queensgate, HVHS and riverbanks. Heaps of possibilities. Updated after reconstruction of civic centre, and infilled across to main railway. Schools mapped Hutt Central, HVHS, Hutt Int, Ss Peter and Paul, Sacred Heart College, St Bernards, and detuned Chilton. Very good HCC Lidar based contours installed. D/L
Hutt Valley HS Lower Hutt   See "Hutt CBD". A very "porous" campus with direct link to riverbank. D/L
Jubilee Park Lower Hutt   See Normandale/Tirohanga. Steep but good tracks thru bush in Jubilee Park alongside SH2. Limited parking but can access from Pharazyn St via overbridge (mapped). D/L
Kaitoke kaitoke13.ocd

North of Upper Hutt. 156km2

MTBO/Rogaine symbols
NZTM alignment from ver 13 loses considerable area to file renata, gains N half of file pakuratahi and little bit of upperhutt (eg Twin Lakes, Tunnel Gully). Extended east twds Remutaka road summit, also Rail Trail as far as Siberia. Includes Norbert Ck loop, Kaitoke camping area, "Rivendell" film location. Eastern half has not had contour cleanup, stream alignment.
Kaitoke Campground
Kaitoke, Upper Hutt 1:5000/5m
Park/Sprint symbols
Campground; track connection to "Rivendell" film location and bush tracks at the river forks, though not a lot of off-track there. Great beginner area except busy at holiday times. Considerable unmapped park east of upper camping area waiting on natives to grow (see file kaimarchant). Contours ex GW lidar, not great in the bush but OK. Contours also cover the farmland on the left after you go over Kaitoke Hill.
Kaitoke Marchant Rd
Kaitoke, Upper Hutt 1:5000/5m
Park/Sprint symbols
Marchant Road part of Kaitoke. Includes regional park east of upper camping area waiting on natives to grow. And the YMCA Camp formerly called Kiwi Ranch (inactive map). So some specific potential areas among small farms and lifestyle blocks.
Kapiti Island kapitiisland01.ocd

Kapiti 19km2

MTBO/Rogaine symbols
New file with GW 2014 contours. No contour checking or stream alignment. Unlikely to be used, for completeness only..
Karapoti karapoti17.ocd

Akatarawa Forest. 142km2

MTBO/Rogaine symbols
NZTM alignment from ver 17 loses a bit to file maung which is absorbed by parapara, gains some from file upperhutt. Most of Akatarawa Forest incl Karapoti and Whakatiki rvrs, and Puketiro Forest. HAVOC Forest is in NW cnr down to Birchville in SE. Had dodgy UHCC 10m contours, plus dodgy MJW interpolation, but have GW Lidar now. We know a lot about the tracks in here from rogaines and Ak Attacks..
Karori Park
Karori, Wellington 1:5000/5m Park/Sprint symbols Karori Park, the hill behind, and surrounding areas. mapped at greater detail primarily for our MTBO Coordinators when they lived on the area, but shares the same symbol set as the park/sprint maps.
Anywhere Any scale you like Labyrinth design cribbed from event in Slovenia. Its based on a 10X10 grid of stakes and takes AGES to set up, but fun and good map orientation practice. There are simpler maze designs.
Lower Hutt
(was called lhutt to ver 74)

Lower Hutt 152km2

MTBO/Rogaine symbols
NZTM alignment from ver 90 gains Wainuiomata from file eastharbour. Covers all of Lower Hutt including eastern and western hills and Wainui. Includes Matiu/Somes tho unlikely to be used. Our original rogaine mapping, pretty much every street, track and reserve is mapped. Contours ex LINZ 1m DEM installed, effectively the 2014 Lidar survey.
Lowry Bay lowrybay06.ocd Marine Dr
Eastbourne 1.5km2
Park/Sprint symbols
Spun off from Days Bay. Pt Howard, Lowry Bay and York Bay. A lot of steep bush but Lowry/Howard has some nice tracks low down. (Was called lowryb and then yorkbay now back to lowrybay with boundary changes.)
Maidstone Park Upper Hutt   See "Upper Hutt CBD". Park with playground and playing fields, nice bush tracks up to the ridge, some off-track. Playground reconstruction 2020/21.D/L
Makara Peak Karori, Wgtn 6km2   See "Wgtn South". MTB Park with extensive tracks, adjoining city streets, and also the forest above Karori Park. See also Karori Park.
Maungakotukutuku MTBO Maungakotukutuku Valley, Kapiti   Now covered by "Paraparaumu" and "Karapoti". Rugged bush with old logging roads, current forestry tracks, challenging single-track. See also "Tukutuku" for foot-o.
Melling, Lower Hutt 1:5000/5m
Park/Sprint symbols
Includes Melling station, skatepark and bridge, and riverbank both sides almost to KG Bridge. Nice little complex of 4WD tracks under the bridge, and series of knolls ideal for contour teaching near the old croquet green. Infilled across to main railway, including schools St Orans, Boulcott, Dyer St, and the hospital. Very good HCC Lidar based contours installed. Riverlink construction changing some areas 2024 and access restricted.
Moonshine Bridge and Park Trentham, Upper Hutt   See "Trentham". South of the bridge connects to Trentham Park, pop under the bridge to Poets Park or over the bridge. D/L
Moores Valley
Wainuiomata, Lower Hutt 1:5000/5m Park/Sprint symbols Moores Valley and Waterworks area. Seed-bed for foot-o areas including Richard Prouse Park, the waterworks valley, and Brookfield Scout Camp. Much is residential, lifestyle or steep jungle. Very good HCC Lidar based contours installed though it runs out in the bush; remainder uses use older GW Lidar. File started life as "wainuimoores"m renamed from version 02.
Naenae Cemetery Naenae L/Hutt   See "Taita Cemetery".
Naenae College High Street L/Hutt   School campus, adjoins Intermediate, part of "avalon".
Lower Hutt 5km2 1:5000/5m
Park/Sprint symbols
East of main railway; north of Epuni; south of Taita College. Includes detuned version of Taita Cemetery. Includes lots of unusable Eastern Hill bush, but this has the Rata St Loop track. Schools Rata St (incomplete), Wa Ora, St Bernadettes. Very good HCC Lidar based contours installed in the suburbs; GW lidar used up in the hills.
Normandale School Normandale L/Hutt   See "Otonga".
Western Hills
Lower Hutt 10km2
Park/Sprint symbols
Mixed urban and bush-filled gullies. Absorbed map westernhills which had only covered Jubilee Park. Also includes Steiner School, and part of BRP near Cottle Park Drive. Better HCC Lidar installed. Previous notes: Some steep but good tracks thru bush in Jubilee Park alongside SH2. Limited off-track, but interesting terraces where grand old houses used to be. Limited parking, possibility to start across bridge in Pharazyn St. Very good HCC Lidar based contours installed.
OHV Logo ohvlogographics.ocd NA NA OHV logo with lettering turned into graphics so that it is scalable. Uses one of the std yellows, plus an additional area symbol and two line symbols.
OHV Map Boundaries
Greater Wellington 1900km2

MTBO/Rogaine symbols

Cookie-cutter file consisting only of super-topo map boundaries. Both old and new boundaries aligned to NZTM grid, so if necessary you can see where the files came from. Files are separate so they can be worked on independently, but we often need to join them. They need to fit together EXACTLY. Initially this file provided cut lines for subdividing the map files and aligning them with local bodies which were providing contours. The file also contains the approximate boundaries of the standard and park/sprint maps for illustrative purposes; including what is covered by city council lidar. Filename was superboundaries, changed as from v16.
OHV Park/Sprint Symbols OHVPSsymbols10.ocd 1:5000 NA File's main use is a reference symbol/colour set that other files can use. It may contain a sample legend. Version 09 has 2022 Sharks Teeth specification updates, version 10 some further 2024 changes. There will be more:-((
OHV Public Transport Symbols ohvptsymbols04.ocd 1:20,000 NA File's main use is to provide special symbols and colours for the City Safari, in addition the Rogaine/MTBO set, see elsewhere. As time marches on this may get out of step from its "parent" which is in file ohvrmsymbolsnn.
OHV Rogaine/MTBO/Std Symbols ohvrmsymbols12.ocd 1:20,000 or 15,000 NA File's main use is a reference symbol/colour set that other files can use. It is a merging of the ISOM2000, MTBO, and a few special rogaine symbols. Based on the ISOM 1:15,000, enlarge appropriately if you can for better readability. But remember that layout stuff such as text is independant of scale. May contain sample legends. Think version 11 was based on ISOM2019-2, some changes in vesion 12, but the spec keeps changing!!
Oma Rapeti Maungaraki Lower Hutt 0.2km2   Another name for the "Rabbit Warren", see "Otonga". Tiny bush maze of incredible complexity, segues into difficult low-vis bush.
Lower Hutt 2.0km2 1:5000/5m
Park/Sprint symbols
Bush tracks and some passable bush between Maungaraki and the Korokoro Dam; plus the green band down to Percy Reserve. Supports jungle courses around Belmont Regional Park entrance. The Rabbit Warren (Oma Rapeti) and Percys Reserve are great training and sprint areas. Includes Korokoro, Maungaraki, Normadale schools. Very good HCC Lidar based contours installed though they run out beyond the houses; remainder uses older GW lidar.D/L
Pakuratahi pakuratahi16.ocd

East of Upper Hutt. 55km2

MTBO/Rogaine symbols
NZTM alignment from ver 16 has lost N half to file kaitoke, S 40% to upperhutt, but gained new area east to Lake Wairarapa. Might be better renamed but does have the Pak headwaters. Includes Cross Creek end of the Incline. Minimal contour checking and stream aligning tho the Pak Rvr has been aligned.
Papatahi papatahi02.ocd

East of Lower Hutt 235km2

MTBO/Rogaine symbols
NZTM alignment created this from the N half of file mckerrow plus onoke. Includes a useful part of the mid Orongorongo Rvr, but most eg Mt Mathews is unlikely to be used. Contours from GW 2014 Lidar installed. Eastern 2/3 hasnt had contour checking or stream alignment.
Paraparaumu parapara54.ocd

Kapiti Coast 239km2

MTBO/Rogaine symbols
Kapiti Coast from Paekakariki to Waikanae. NZTM alignment from ver 54 has picked up file maunganui and a little bit of karapoti; plus a small extension N. Eastern quarter has not had contour checking/stream alignment. Big file, could split off southern part into a file including raumati and QEP. Fairly good representation of streets reserves and especially QE Park, though the bit east of the rly has never been done. Good for easy foot and MTB rogaining, and MTBO in QEP. 5 and 2.5m cntrs in part of the area. Most has contours ex GW lidar, with SH1 corridor updated using PCC and KCDC lidar.
Pencarrow South Coast, Lower Hutt   See "East Harbour". Exposed headlands facing Cook Strait, separated by two botanically significant lakes. Tracks, shipwreck, historic lighthouse. Not for the lazy, you have to jog or bike from Eastbourne! Bridges over the swamps were damaged in storms, that reduces the flexibility.
Percy Reserve Beside SH2 Lower Hutt 0.5km2   See "Otonga". Nice bush tracks, waterfall, pond, island, cave, formal gardens. D/L
Petone, Lower Hutt 1:5000/5m
Park/Sprint symbols
Includes beachfront, Petone Rec, Weltec, central Jackson St, Sladden Park, Hikoikoi Reserve and riverbank. Schools mapped Petone Central, Sacred Heart Primary, Wilford, Randwick. Comprehensive update 2020 and infill 2021. Very good HCC Lidar based contours installed.D/L
Pinehaven School and Reserve Pinehaven Upper Hutt   See "Silverstream". Great beginner area designed for school use at 1:1500 which fits on A4
Pomare, Lower Hutt 1:5000/5m
Park/Sprint symbols
Riverbank north of Fraser Park to Pomare Station and the Dry Creek park entrance on the other side of the highway. Under-used due to dividing effect of SH2 and river but there ARE crossings. Very good HCC Lidar based contours installed, with less good GW lidar enabling track to the waterfall to be included. Potential to map Taita College.
(was called porua to ver 29)

Porirua 161km2

MTBO/Rogaine symbols
NZTM alignment from ver 38 has picked up file pukerua, and lost area W of P Harbour to wgtnnorth (Colonial Knob, Titahi Bay, P City Centre.) Perhaps the SE corner (Pauatahanui) once belonged to upperhutt, too. Includes Whitby, Judgeford, W end of Puketiro Forest, Battle Hill. Good representation of streets tracks and reserves. Contours from GW 2014 Lidar installed; with serious errors vicinity of Battle Hill fixed using PCC lidar. Transmission Gully corridor also updated using PCC.
QE Park Kapiti Coast   See "Paraparaumu". Coastal sand dunes with extensive track network. 2.5m contours installed, can be switched on/off.
Rabbit Warren aka Oma Rapeti Maungaraki Lower Hutt 0.2km2   See "Otonga". Tiny bush maze of incredible complexity, segues into difficult low-vis bush.
Raphael House raphaelhouse02.ocd Lower Hutt 0.5km2 plus 1:2500/5m
Park/Sprint symbols
School in Tirohanga on steep site with interesting building shapes. Some passable bush above, adjoins reserve. Part of normanhanga file 1:5000 with reduced detail.
Renata renata01.ocd

East of Akatarawas 120km2

MTBO/Rogaine symbols
NZTM alignment created this from the N part of the old kaitoke. East of Aka Hill Rd, N of Hutt Forks, almost to Mt Hector. Has had no contour checking or stream alignment.
Silverstream, Upper Hutt 1:5000/5m
Park/Sprint symbols
Includes St Pats College, Pinehaven school/reserve and riverbank. Very good UHCC Lidar based contours installed. Less good GW lidar used to cover the forest above Pinehaven and the disused saddle map in St Pats Forest.D/L
Sladden Park Alicetown, L/Hutt   See "Petone". Access to riverbank both sides. Has lost a bit of appeal with the construction of a retirement village in place of the delightfully derelict high school.
St Pats College Silverstream, Upper Hutt   See "Silverstream". College has paddocks and connects with riverbank. has streamside plantings with track on each side. Plus traditional "cloistered" school buildings.
Stokes Valley
Stokes Valley, Lower Hutt 1:5000/5m
Park/Sprint symbols
Start on the next map east of the railway, from Pomare Station and round the corner into Stokes Valley. Also Silverstream Retreat, Manor Park and the SH58 interchange, and a bit of Keith George Park. Very good HCC Lidar based contours installed. There's a narrow bit of GW lidar bridging a gap to UHCC lidar used by file sstrm. May not ever need it - steep bush.
Stratton stratton15.ocd

Stratton "Street" L/Hutt 0.65km2

Park/Sprint symbols
Entrance to Belmont Regional Park, scenic but narrow valley bottom. "Woolshed" event base. Extended to a network of steep tracks up to Old Coach Road, and down the other side to the Hill Rd carpark. Could be access to Bunkers map.D/L
Taita Cemetery cemetery16.ocd (was called cemet to ver 13) Naenae L/Hutt 0.2km2 1:2500/5m
Park/Sprint symbols
Also known as "Naenae Cemetery" as its in Naenae. Old-style cemetery, small but complex and on a hillside. Area includes adjacent lawn cemetery which is probably not usable as still in use. Part of map "naenae" 1:5000 at reduced detail.
Te Marua
Te Marua, Upper Hutt 1:5000/5m
Park/Sprint symbols
Includes Tunnel Gully picnic area, tunnel, bush tracks, some passable bush and nice little pine area. Recently logged area provisionally mapped. Eucalypt area mapped with every tree for maze type orienteering. Plus absorbed Twin Lakes (old, needs a lot of work.) Some very good UHCC Lidar based contours installed, rest is from older GW Lidar.D/L
Totara Park Totara Pk, Upper Hutt   Discontinued filename. Gave most of Totara Park suburb to uppercbd, picked up Birchville and Timberlea to become "brownowl". Harcourt and California Parks remain. Old map D/L
Trentham, Upper Hutt 1:5000/0m
Park/Sprint symbols
Includes Moonshine Bridge and riverbank, Trentham Memorial Park (playground, bush tracks), Fergusson Intermediate and UH College. Moonshine Pk has extra trees which can be revealed at a large scale for maze orienteering. Boundary changes also give it Riverstone and riverside adjacent Whakatiki River, and CIT/HIBS tho the latter is thoroughly out-of-date. Very good UHCC Lidar based contours installed. Bush behind CIT has less good GW lidar. Heretaunga College on the map not mapped yet. D/L

Tukutuku tukutuku16.ocd

Maungakotukutuku Valley, Kapiti 1.2km2

Std symbols

Long narrow valley floor, with a dense track network made by quad bikes, and some passable native bush. Most of the bush is slow, but it provides challenging nav. Early by-eye contours replaced from GW 2014 Lidar-based DEM. Great picnic spot.
Tunnel Gully Te Marua, U/Hutt   See "Te Marua". Usable area more than it seems, with some passable bush, pines and recent logging. Historic railway tunnel. Good base for long runners courses on the rogaine mapping. D/L
Twin Lakes
Te Marua, Upper Hutt   Discontinued file, absorbed into "marua". Usable area is long and thin and to the WEST of the road into the lakes past the Stock Car track. We can't go EAST except for the pony club lease near the park gate. Not used for a while, needs a lot of work incl rationalising with new contours.
Upper Hutt
(was called uhutt to ver 61)
Upper Hutt 177km2 1:20,000/10m
MTBO/Rogaine symbols
NZTM alignment from ver 73 loses bits to files karapoti and kaitoke, picks up S 40% of pakuratahi. All of Upper Hutt including eastern and western hills, Whitemans and Mangaroa Valleys. Contours installed from GW 2014 Lidar. Our second integrated rogaine mapping after Lower Hutt, pretty much every street, track and reserve is mapped.
Upper Hutt CBD
Upper Hutt Central 1:5000/5m
Park/Sprint symbols
Includes the riverbank, streets incl the CBD, Maidstone Park, and a large part of Totara Park. The CBD is particularly good urban terrain. The flat part of Maidstone has extra detail which can be revealed at a larger scale (pretty well every tree.) Havent caught up yet with playground reconstruction 2020/21. Sports field reconstruction happening 2022. Very good UHCC Lidar based contours installed. Less good cntrs upper part Maidstone and ridge behind.D/L
Upper Hutt Coll Trentham, U/Hutt   See "Trentham". Fergusson Intermediate is adjacent, and they have both had extensive rebuilding. Map updated since, plus sharks teeth symbols for balconies. The riverbank is close. Includes Riverstone Terraces with interesting terrain on that side of the river.
Waikanae Park waikanaepark07.ocd Waikanae 0.3+0.2km2 1:5,000/2.5m
Std symbols
Nice urban park with hills, forest, near swimming pool. Good 2.5m contoutrs from KCDC fitted. Permanent orienteering course. Std orienteering symbols; vege changes reported. D/L File also includes El Rancho outdoor camp in hobbit-type symbols. Has been updated somewhat (exxpressway impact) but needs a through overhaul and conversion to park/sprint specs.
Wainui East
Wainuiomata, Lower Hutt 1:5000/5m Park/Sprint symbols Arakura area. Much is residential, lifestyle or steep jungle. Plenty of schools though and Chainsaw is a great training area. Very good HCC Lidar based contours installed though it runs out in the bush; remainder uses older GW Lidar.
Wainui High School Wainuiomata, Lower Hutt   See "Wainui West" for high school, and adjacent intermediate and primary. Locked gates between need to be sorted out. Big reconstruction 2022, wont be finished until 2025.
Wainui Central
Wainuiomata, Lower Hutt 1:5000/5m Park/Sprint symbols Wainuiomata central incl town centre - see "east" and "west" maps to the north, "south" to the south, and "moores" to the east. Much is residential or steep jungle but the centre has a lot of urban detail. Very good HCC Lidar based contours installed though it runs out in the bush; remainder uses older GW Lidar.
Wainui South
Wainuiomata, Lower Hutt 1:5000/5m Park/Sprint symbols Wainuiomata Village end. Seed-bed for foot-o areas such as the Boys Brigade camp. Much is residential, lifestyle or steep jungle. Very good HCC Lidar based contours installed though it runs out in the bush; could use older GW Lidar for the remainder.
Wainui Trail Park Wainuiomata, Lower Hutt   See "Lower Hutt" for MTBO-rogaine-level detail. Network of MTB trails in sheltered bushclad valley, climbing back towards L/Hutt. Footies welcome too. See also "Wainui West" for more detailed foot-o mapping.
Wainui West
Wainuiomata, Lower Hutt 1:5000/5m Park/Sprint symbols Parkway area, including the Trail Park (mapped for foot), nearby passable beech forest, High School and adjoining intermediate and primary school. (HS reconstruction 2022-25.) Fair amount of off-track mapped around the WTP wetland loop including planting area. Extends over Towai to a line on the LH side of the top. Very good HCC Lidar based contours installed though it runs out in the bush; remainder uses older GW Lidar.
Waitarere Forest
Waitarere Beach 26 1:20,000/10m MTBO/Rogaine symbols Entire Waitarere Forest including village. Prepared Russell Higham for SS Rogaine using Horowhenua Lidar data (not GW). File may have finer contours, but perhaps they are in a related file.
Lower Hutt
1:5000/5m Park/Sprint symbols Eastern hills above Waiwhetu, Gracefield and Seaview. Includes Te Whiti Riser and Haywards Reserve. A lot of steep jungle but little gems everywhere. Plus infilled the flat to provide physically easy stuff - west to Randwick Rd/railway, and from Seaview to Waterloo Rd. Schools mapped Gracefield, Our Lady of the Rosary, Waterloo.Very good HCC Lidar based contours installed, but it runs out on the bush - GW lidar used there.
Waitarere Beach 8 1:10,000/2.5m Std symbols Waitarere Forest, replacing former maps Watchtower and Wanda west of Road 11 (the main forest road). Includes 1 of Osgiliath (belonging to RKOC) in the north and 2 of village in the south. Much is not usable due to forest ops but thoroughly mapped about 3 in 2016. And sampled-mapped three more blocks in 2021. And the village up to Road 20 sample-mapped in 2022. Lidar contours from Horizons DC via Russell Higham seem quite good. Need to keep abreast of forest mgmt plans - thinning 2023.
Waterstone waterstone06.ocd Paraparaumu 0.25km2 1:3,000/2.5m
Park/Sprint symbols
Pretty urban area with parkland and lakes. Suspect urban development has occurred.D/L
Wellington North wgtnnorth20.ocd (was called wgtnn to ver 11)

Wellington 121km2

MTBO/Rogaine symbols
NZTM alignment from ver 19 has picked up porirua west of the harbour ie Colonial Knob to Titahii Bay. Mana Island added tho unlikely to be used. Recent track-building on slopes of Colonial Knob may be incomplete, but we did the Big Trig there in 2019. Part of Wgtn City including Tawa. West of Colonial Knob hasn't had any fieldwork but Col Knob and Tawa have. Contours from GW 2014 Lidar installed. And PCC lidar used to update along the Transmission Gully corridor.
Wellington South wgtnsouth14.ocd (was called wgtns to ver 99)

Wellington 125km2

MTBO/Rogaine symbols
NZTM alignment from ver 13 has adjustment with wgtnnorth and west. Wellington to Johnsonville, Newlands and Horokiwi. This was our third integrated rogaine mapping area and it has been extensively mapped for afterwork rogaines, MTBOs and City Safaris. Gets regular updating. Contours from GW 2014 Lidar installed.
Wellington West wgtnwest12.ocd (was called wgtnw to ver 5)

Wellington 56km2

MTBO/Rogaine symbols
NZTM alignment from ver 12 has bdy adjustment with wgtnsouth. West coast including Terawhiti and Makara. Part of the West Wind Windfarm has had fieldwork, we need some skilled negotiators for access to the rest. We had several rogaines there in pre-computer days. Contours from GW 2014 Lidar installed.


In May 2018 we converted a number of our maps to a new mapping specification introduced by the IOF. This includes our 6 standard maps, and (then) 17 super-topo maps which share the same set of symbols and colours.

The colour coding in the table above represents progress of the task. It's quite a tedious job taking hours for each file, and the mapping officer needs to see some progress to lighten the load. The standard maps are blue. As they were converted the blue was lightened. Most of the remaining dark ones are of small areas and they should really become park/sprint maps, see later.

The super-topo maps (used for rogaines and MTBO) are green. As they were converted the green was lightened. From 2022-24 we installed contours from the GW 2014 Lidar survey. This mops up some terrible contours from some city councils, and solves the matching problems on the borders. (Streams and other features needed to be realigned. We also changed the boundaries to align with the NZTM grid.) We toyed with a colour code for this process but now its complete have gone back to mid green.

The park/sprint maps were red. A new IOF sprint specification was introduced in 2019. We use a modified version of this for our parks and have converted 25 of our maps to this. As we went the red was changed to orange. Then in 2022 there was another IOF change (the sharks tooth symbols being most obvious - we have 30 files by now). As we went the orange was changed to yellow. We still have one map on the old std symbols (dark blue) which should really be "sprintified" - Waikanae Park (including El Rancho). In 2024 we restarted this process, switching in the much better city council Lidar-based contours as well as updating symbols yet again. The yellow colours let us see where we are up to, its nearly complete.