Leg |
Main Decision |
Other Factors |
1 |
L of bldgs or thru |
Going round gives fewer direction changes, its hardly longer |
2 |
3 |
L or R |
Nothing in it. V slight benefit in R to avoid U-turn for next leg |
4 |
5 |
Issue is to recognise the overs and unders. Maps are not good at 3-D |
6 |
To use the wet tunnel or not. |
Tested OK on the morning - hope you enjoyed without trepidation. Further decision thru the light green vs round |
7 |
Tiny decision at the end, thru long grass or round |
8 |
L or R or thru the bush at the end |
Btwn two bldgs then straight was OK |
9 |
Which way round thicket at 8, then thru green to 9 vs up from track |
Couple of steps W gives a white route to next corridor. Leave path at tunnel to avoid crossing fence then thru light green was good. |
10 |
Tunnel vs under bridge nr river |
Under bridge better, even tho you have to go beyond the tree for gate in high fence. |
11 |
F |
Path or pump track |
Haha |