Wellington Orienteering Champs 2017
Experience the variety that the Kapiti and Manawatu coasts have to offer at the 2017 Wellington Orienteering Association Champs. All orienteers are invited to participate, in age classes. There are sub-classes for those with less experience.
Members of WOA clubs are eligible for titles.
Saturday 25th November 2017
Sprint Distance
Map: Raumati
Planner: Gavin Scott
Controller: Susan and Bill Edwards
First start: 11am
Fast paced terrain. School campuses, parks and village streets. The map was last used during the 2016 Waitangi Sprints.
Mapper: Nick Hann
Saturday 25th November 2017
Middle Distance
Map: Maungakotukutuku
Planner: Simon Rea
Controller: Bill and Susan Edwards
First Start: 2.30pm
The best bits of a narrow valley in native bush, inter-laced with quad-bike tracks. The current map was first used for the 2012 WOA Champs. It has recently been updated with new contours ex LiDAR.
Mapper: Michael Wood
Sunday 26th November 2017
Long Distance
Map: Fusilier
Planner: Carol Ramsden
Controller: Graham Teahan
First start: 10am
Open sand dune forest. Popular map that has been used before.
Mapper: Russell Higham
Please click through for details of competition classes and how to enter. A bulletin of essential details (such as driving instructions) will be sent to all entrants a week prior.