The main event will run over 6 hours, which will allow teams to reach both the eastern and western hills overlooking Lower Hutt. These hills have a network of bush-lined tracks and firebreaks that will provide the remote atmosphere that rogainers treasure. In the bush above Percys Reserve or in the Korokoro Stream valley for example, you could be miles from anywhere!
At the same time the public transport will add a new dimension to the other special characteristic of rogaining - route planning. The buses and trains will allow faster travel. But teams will have to use timetable and route information well if they are not going to waste time at bus stops! The timetable information is freely available on the web, and you can start doing your homework now!
There is also a 3-hour option. The rogaine will start and finish in downtown Lower Hutt, not far from the major transport hub at Westfield Queensgate shopping mall. The map will be vastly superior to the usual topo map, deriving from a major project of integrating the club's street and park maps over the last five years. The map will show almost all tracks, walkways and links between streets, and will be printed at a scale of 1:25,000.
The event is supported by Greater Wellington (the regional council), Hutt City Council, Cityline and Tranz Metro. Download the entry form here. Check out the previous posting here. Enquiries to Michael Wood Ph 04 566 2645.
This page written by Michael Wood, and installed on 11 June 04.