Lower Hutt has some great hills and deep bush-clad valleys within minutes of the city centre, and it has run urban rogaines before. As well as shoestring afterwork events, it ran an 8hr event in 1994 in which the winners got less than half the possible score!
Lower Hutt also has a pretty good bus network, and even on Saturdays there are lots of routes with 15min frequency, and others on 30 and 60min. With a bit of thought, a rogaine team could get themselves out taken up hills, or out to the edges of suburbia and closer to such landmarks as Belmont trig or Mount Lowry.
The event will run over 6 hours, with a 3-hour option. Controls will be set so that physical endurance will be called on, the public transport part will only be about 10% of the time of a 6-hr team, but its effect on the route planning strategy could be much more! Day passes for the buses will be part of the entry fee, and bus stops marked on the map. However route and timetable information is up to competitors: its available from many sources including the web.
The event is supported by Greater Wellington (the regional council), Hutt City Council, Cityline and Tranz Metro. Entry forms will be available in early June. Enquiries to Michael Wood Ph 04 566 2645.
This page written by Michael Wood, and installed on 8 Apr 04.