Australia-New Zealand Challenge...

... and MTBO-ing Week

NSW, Oct-Nov 2007

The Australia-NZ Challenge is official. Now (within a few days) we have to nominate which classes we will contest (in addition to open men and women which are compulsory). We can name three per class, of which the best two in each competition will count.

At this stage we have interest in the following classes: Open M and W, M and W40, M and W50 and M60.

STOP PRESS 23 Aug - the above classes are now confirmed for the challenge. (Note the events offer additional classes including juniors.) If you wish to be selected for the challenge please download this information and provide the required data by 14 Sep. And regardless of selection, check out the first bulletin and the second bulletin for the Oz Champs.

And regardless of selection, if you are at all interested in the trip and have not already done so, contact know right now. Note he has changed his email address slightly so click on this link rather than letting your address book "suggest" the address. Rob's mobile: 021 597 070.

Please note the difference between the MTBO-ing week 27 Oct to 2 Nov and the Challenge 3-4 Nov. You can be in the training trip without being in the team, and you can be in the team without joining in the MTBO-ing week. (Though it would be a pity...)

Here are the latest details. (No event website yet, the chief organiser is in Europe preparing for the World Champs:-))

This page was written by and updated on 30 Jul 07.