

Entry Form


About Orienteering

O-Max 2007

Afterwork Park Orienteering Series

O-Max is two orienteering events in one. Beginner orienteering 1-5km in city parks with help for newcomers. And fast action-packed racing for experienced orienteers, with surprise challenges to make up for familiarity with the areas.

The beginner courses are at first level of navigational difficulty: White. This means there are plenty of (usually man-made) features to follow. They are "fixed-order" which means visiting control points in numerical sequence. Clipping your control card at each point proves you have been to each point.

Your time is taken, but this is not a championship - more about getting used to mapreading or having a gentle jog. You can go in pairs or groups if you wish. The short course is usually 1-2km in a beeline and the long one is the same with an extension, up to 5km if the venue allows it. Actual distance covered is up to 25% longer than this.

The O-Max course is designed to provide challenge for experienced orienteers who may know the park quite well. Surprises are continually being invented, such as dummy controls which are not the correct ones or being allowed to omit some control points. By dividing the course up into loops several competitors can start together without "follow-the-leader" except where the loops come together; and at these points you can see who is in front. There's a PA commentary and with reverse seeding the times get faster and faster! The 2-3km courses take the top orienteers 12-20min.

The two types of course means that beginners can watch the experts in action; and experienced orienteers can bring their friends and family for a gentle excursion.

O-Max runs after work during November and December. Start beginner courses anytime 6-7pm. O-Max competitors start in reverse-seeded packs from 6:30pm. Season ticket 6 for the price of 5 in advance, or enter on the night for $6/$3. Entry form (158k Word file) has more detail. Enquiries Ph 04 566 2645