Wellington East Meets West 19 Nov 13
Course planner and Harriet Carr
Time 3 hours 5% dark. Beautiful evening with light breeze. Didn't even feel cold after finishing. About 130 participants.
Jenny writes...
Results (the league table when updated will be here.)
2hrs Children (Houghton Valley School)
- Awesome Pumpkin 680
- Thunderbirds 650
- Popcorn Genies 570
- Awesome dudes 560
- Psycho People 520
- Fast Footballers 480
- Cow Digesters 460
- The Pigs 440
- Awesome People 440
- Chocolate Fireballs 440
- Rogaine Choclateers 420
- Team One 400
- Team Elephants 380
- Chocolate 380
2hrs adults
- Tough Like Jelly Rachel + Liam Drew 1120
- Time to Burn 630
- Holly Le Heux 560
Walkers 3hrs
- Ian McCabe solo 1070
- Cathy Fraser, Rob McCrudden 1020
- Anna, Jane 830
- Gordon Balfour, Pia, Dena, Brett 660
3 Hours Intermediate School Students aged 12-13 years
- Kelburn Kids 1270...yes this is correct!!!!!!
- Tui and the Tyrants score unknown
- Shermans score unknown
- The Great Unnamed score unknown
Runners 3 hours
- Sherman Smith Laurence Pidcock Chris Swallow 2030
- Lightening Speed Robots Kelvin Thiele Richard Persson 1870 - 10L =1860
- Tararua Epics: Dean Ford, John, Paul 1830
- Swift: Andrew Riddle, Mark Staples 1460
- Speedsters: Paul Tryan,Dwayne ? Wakruman? Chris Hay, Tim Hodgkinson 1360
- Jokens: Jo McKenzie, Ann Kendon 1220
- Ellie Molloy, Stuart Engleback 1200
- Night Raiders Boris, Andrew, Chris Dewborg, Schnieder Bridge, Ton Kong 1190
- Julie Gordon, Michael Wood 1320 -132M =1188
- Rebeckah, Muriel 1140
- Tortoise and Hares: Mark Malone, Philip Secker, Harry Jenkins 1110
- Turtlenecks: Jed Bian, David Antliff, Michael McAdam 1110
- Simon Rea solo 1170 - 117S =1053
- Jan, Marie 1010
- Robin, Chris M 1000
- The Wanderers: Jenny Fildes, Michelle Lendnal 960
- Howard Harman, Bridgit 830
- Michelle Cole 900 -90S =810
Wellington West 15 Oct 13
Course planner and Ann Kendon
Time 3 hours 45% dark. After wild weather, a nice though cool night. 108 participants.
Jo writes...
Great turnout given the weather earlier in the day, nearly all the maps we printed were given out, with 108 people out on the night in 42 teams. And although we over catered on pizza, the last teams missed out - only take 2 pieces each please.
All ribbons stayed put after big storm, yay!! The top 5 teams all went to 70,80,81,82 &100, All controls were visited with 17 teams going to the 100 pointer. Hope you enjoyed the Otari Farm area west of the Skyline, which is not normally available.
Thanks to the teams who helped out with an injury. With so many people entering now we have to improve our system for confirming all teams are back, everyone was in by 9:22pm
Results (the league table when updated will be here.)
- Old Chicks: Julie Gordon Debbie Mansfield 670
- Walking Wonders: Jenny Cossey Ian McCabe 620
- Jill & Arthur Jill Westenra Arthur Klap 600
- Homes racers Janet Dobbie Bernie Homes 520
- ABBA: Anna Engleback Beverley Holder 420
- The Wonderers: Michelle Lendnal Jenny Fildes Melinda Hall 320
Runners 3 hours
- Sherman Smith Robin Cameron-Jones Adele Gibson 1270
- Wellington Wogainers: Mark Hooker Nick Clendon 1150 (1160-10)
- Lightning Speed Robots: Kelvin Thiele Richard Persson Martyn Bayly 1070
- Tararua Epics Dean Ford 1035 (1150-115)
- Hasseds Heroes Nick Goodall Matt Hassed Mike Sherwin 1010 (1040-30)
- Craig Starnes 936 (1040-104)
- GGC Grant Hector Cam Mackay Gregory Dobson 870
- Harriette and Phil Phil Kendon Harriette Carr 870
- Inghams Gillian Ingham Malcom Ingham 830
- Dick Dick Helen Hughes 820 (910-90)
- BMC Riders Nick Engleback Siobhan Quayle, Jo Holden, Glen Turner 810
- Rascally Rogainer Nicole Ranger Tom Bowen, Mary McBride 770
- Hilly Goats Hayden Munro Butch Bortase 770
- Balmy and Swamy Jamie Ramash Swamy 750 (2.5 hours)
- BlackMax Gordon Macdonald Steve Black 750
- Tortoise & Hares: Henry Jenkins Mark Malone Philip Secker John Justice 680 (740-60)
- Stuart & Ellie Stuart Engleback Ellie Molloy 640
- Alister & Luke Alister Perkinsons Luke O'Donnell 630
- Simon & Michael Simon Rea Michael Wood, (& Georgia Wedd) 610, less mapper, plus medical helpers = 610
- Kelly & Niel Kelly Neighbours Niel Zandberg 600
- DA MAJIC Mark Hearfield AJ Millward 570 (690-120)
- Bog Trotters: Iain Atkinson Leonie Waayer Andrew Begbie 550
- Turtlenecks: Jed Bian Thomas Robinson Boris Shneider 550 (770-220)
- The Unamed Helen Dent Pete Holmes, Jenny Newman, Andy Newman 520
- Wellington Colleges Get 2 Go team Lara Molley George Engleback, Megan Starnes, Abby Stewart, Eliza England, Justin and Bruce Graham,Thomas Stewart, Gabe Robbins 520 (720-200)
- Ian & Lizzy Ian Bunkenburg Lizzy Bunckenburg 500
- Speedsters Tim Hodgkinson Paul Tryon, Dwayne Waterman 460
- Cathy Fraser / Kelly Holland Cathy Fraser Kelly Holland 420 (490-70)
- Mike & Raewyn Mike Judd Raewyn Moss 380
- Ropain Rogaine Martin Howard David Antliff, Chris Dewbery, Tony Kong 330 (400-70)
- Bec & Howard Bec Howells Howard Harman 320
Runners 2 hours
- Adele & Vicki Vicki Connor Adele Fitzpatrick 460
- Jan and Marie marie henderson Jan Goodwin 390 (420-30)
- Val & Nicola Val Spooner Nicola Mitchell 360
- Alex Laurie Alex Edwards Laurie Hughes 200
- Becky & Angela Becky McQuoid Angela MacDonald 130 (180-50)
Korokoro 10 Sep 13
Course planner helped by Greg Thurlow.
Time 2.5hrs. 95% dark. Bit of a storm brewing. 92 participants.
Ian writes...
Great turnout given the weather forecast, all the maps we printed were given out. (Those who didn't pre-register might like to ponder on the possibility of a few more turning up:-))
Now - a safety issue. We thought we had a missing person but (a) the person had joined another team and (b) the phone number given was incorrect so we couldn't do the most obvious check. We take safety seriously, all teams (or solos) that start must report back. In fact rogaining is a team sport and solos are a limited exception, see the safety rules.
Teams who had claimed points from the cabbage tree (#71) but were unable to find the ribbon will not have these points included within their score (as a lot of teams did find the cabbage tree) and also the ribbon over the school fence, again a large number of teams did find this ribbon.
I've learnt a lot from this rogaine. The size of the area can look big on a map, however, when you complete the course, the area mass can be a lot smaller than you initially thought it would be. Hoever I think a lot of people were very happy that the course was shortened as the weather was getting colder and wet as the night wore on.
Results (the league table when updated will be here.) Start was 6:05 so std finish time was 8:35 - everyone back in time!!
- Walking Wonders: Jenny Cossey Ian McCabe 1300 (8-28-40)
- Rob McCrudden Cathy Fraser 1100 (8-33)
- Night Raiders: Martin Howard Tony Kong Richard Holben Daniel Rivers 890 (8-27)
- ABBA: Anna Engleback Beverley Holder 740 (8-28-10)
- Nick Hann Tim Robertson 1750 (7-53)
- Wellington Wogainers: Mark Hooker Nick Clendon 1750 (8-19-32)
- Sherman Smith Robin Cameron-Jones Adele Gibson 1700 (8-29)
- Lightning Speed Robots: Kelvin Thiele Richard Persson Martyn Bayly 1670 (8-12)
- Laura Robertson Georgia Webb 1660 8-20-40)
- Tough Luck Jelly: Rachel Leo 1660 (8-30-40)
- Tortoise & Hares: Henry Jenkins Mark Malone Philip Secker 1620 (8-28-40)
- Vincent & Scott 1580 (8-33-50)
- Lost Bearings: Janne Halonen Kalle Pokkinen 1570 (8-27)
- Bill Edwards 1670 -167S =1503
- Rascally Rogainers: Nicole Ranger Matt Davies Tom Bowen 1470 (8-28-30)
- Slip & Trip: Mark Hearfield Sarah Harrow Mary McBride Nick Lowe 1440 (8-32-30)
- Teem-O: Ellie Molloy Stuart Engleback Rachel Baker 1400 (8-27)
- Bog Trotters: Iain Atkinson Leonie Waayer Andrew Begbie 1360 (8-29-30)
- Paul Bird 1480 -148S =1332 (8-32-50)
- 3 Blind Mice: Alistair Chris 1290 (8-21)
- Sue Me without Sue: Graeme Silcock Jeff Blaylock 1280 (8-34-10)
- JoKens: Ann Kendon Jo Mckenzie 1270 (8-32-00)
- Old Chicks: Julie Gordon Debbie Mansfield 1230 (8-31)
- Turtlenecks: Jed Bian Andrew Bridger 1200 (8-32-40)
- Ash 'n' Joe 1120 (8-33-40)
- Fraser & Nick 1110 (8-25)
- Aotearoa Eel Conservation Society: Jo Holden Heather Kirkham
Dan Pringle 1070 (8-14-47)
- Ropain Rogaine: Thomas Robinson Jeremy Turner Boris Shneider 1030 (8-32-10)
- Kath, Kris & Annibel 980 (8-29)
- Beck, Howard & Mark 880 (8-29-40)
- Speedsters: Tim Hodgkinson Chris Hay Paul Tryon David Antliff
780 (8-30)
- Stefan & Andrew 700 (8-23)
- Michelle & Josh: Michelle Cole Joshua Kench 650 (8-20-32)
- Gordon & Rachel 610 (8-17)
- Ocean Mercier Rachel Zheng 610 (8-27)
- Holy, Sara & Mel 560 (8-35)
- The Wonderers: Michelle Lendnal Jenny Fildes 530 (8-34)
- Elizabeth & Jo 510 (8-22-47)
- James & Fraser No sheet (8-35)
Elsdon 15 Aug 13
Course planner
Time 3hrs. 98% dark. Very pleasant evening with a light northerly. 57 participants.
Kelvin writes...
A cave, a really gnarly waterfall, an abandoned mental hospital and a wicked hill climb.
This course was deliberately designed to make it hard to choose the best route. There were several clusters of high points - two in particular were a waterfall tucked deep in Elsdon bush, and a second along the rocks and cliffs of Titahi Bay. They were both really tough to get to. Hey - if you wanted an easy sport - take up golf. Were the points on offer at these destinations enough reward?
Looking at the results, there was an even spread between the number of teams who chose to go bush, go beach, or go road. And even more intersting - the reaults for all 3 options were very similar. This excludes the result from the legendary Jamie Stewart, who took victory with 1008 points. Jamie took the waterfall route - describing the area as "Epic".
Another interesting observation: The walkers scores were comparable to the runners - showing how tough some of this terrain was.
Results (the league table is here.)
- Old Chicks: Debbie Mansfield, Julie Gordon 680
- Walking Wonders: Jenny Cossey, Ian McCabe 620
- Ian Buckenburg 450 -45S =405
- William Shatners Pants: Shula Webb, Gregg Cornwell, Alex Sargent 560 - 160L =400
- Anna and Beverley: Beverley Holder, Anna Engleback 330
- Happy At Last: Erica Hindle, Viv Holmes No Sheet
- Jamie Stewart 1130 -10L -112S =1008
- Lightning Speed Robots: Richard Persson, Marty Bailey 970 - 20L =950
- MAJIC: Mark Hearfield, Nick Lowe, AJ Millward, Dave 750
- Ellie Molloy, Cameron Grant, Stuart Engleback 690
- Bog Trotters: Iain Atkinson, Leonie Waayer, Andrew Begbie 650
- MuZipFi: Muriel Seely, Fiona Delaney, Rebekah Wright 680 - 40L =640
- Sue Me: Graeme Silcock, Sue Eastwood 630
- Tortoise and Hares: Mark Malone, Philip Secker, Andrew Bridger 600
- The Mapper: Michael Wood 690 - 30L -66S =594 (Mappers penalty taken as 10% less time)
- JoKens: Ann Kendon, Jo McKenzie 590
- Speedsters: Tim Hodgkinson, Chris Hay, Paul Tryon, Thomas Robinson 590
- Simon & Jeff: Simon Rea, Jeff Williams 580
- Turtlenecks: Henry Jenkins, Jed Bian, Boris Shneider, Tony Kong 600 - 40L =560
- Rascally Rogainers: Nicole Ranger, David Miller 540
- Rachel& Lizzy: Rachel Baker, Lizzy Bunckenburg 520
- Travelling Wellingtonians: Holly Le Heux, Rachel Horwell, Simon Sher, Sara McMillan 420
- Meg Shaw, Frances O'Neil 380
- George & Steph: George Engleback, Steph Harding 370
Gracefield / Eastern Hills, 18 July 13
Course planner
Time 3hrs, 100% dark. Weather fine with a bit of a breeze; great views over the Hutt Valley, and a few bits of moonlight. 55 participants.
The planners comment...
The highest control score on the night was Mark Hooker who scored 1260 points but the 10% penalty for being solo put him second behind Lightening Speed Robots with 1170 points.
All controls got visited with No.63, the missing one near the bricks, and No.71, McStays seat, the most with 17 team visits. 55 & 56 on Leightons Gully track at the south side of Haywards Reserve only got one visit each.
The ribbon control at No.63 had been removed by someone prior to the event and the water tank high on the ridge at No.101 had lost its label sometime in the last 2 weeks so I awarded everyone who claimed them the points. I also gave the points to those who claimed No.35 as there was only a few who found the old trig even though many looked for it.
Most of the tracks in the area have been made by volunteers; mainly Friends of Haywards Reserve and Wainui Trail Project ? thanks for your work ? much appreciated.
Thanks for coming and for not getting run over at the top of the hill.
We hope we got you all to go somewhere you had never been before.
A spread sheet with the final results and the controls visited is here
Results - (the league table is here.)
- Me, Myself, I, Ian McCabe 770-77 SOLO = 693
- Cathy Fraser, Rob McCrudden 670
- Andy's AW Angels Walkers: Andy Newman Alison Smeaton, Helen Dent 520
- Lightning Speed Robots: Kelvin Thiele Richard Persson Martyn Bayly 1170
- Cupid Stunts: Mike Sherwin, Jason Brown 1070
- Wellington Wogainers: Mark Hooker 1260 - 126 SOLO = 1134
- lost, lost and loster: Georgia Wedd, Alister Perkinson, Luke O'Donnell 1060
- BMC Riders: Nick Engleback Siobhan Quayle 1030
- Robert Breukers, Stefaan Janssens 1020
- Ellie Molloy, Cameron Grant 990
- Rascally Rogainers: Nicole Ranger, Matt Davies, Tom Bowen 910
- O'Sullivan: Sarah Gray, Ben O'Sullivan: 910
- Bog Trotters: Leonie Waayer Andrew Begbie 860
- Lizzie Bunckenburg, Catherine Bunckenburg, Rachael Baker 860
- 123: Muriel Seeley, Scotty van Leeuwan, Rebekah Wright 850
- Where To Now: Ash Walker Lilla Csorgo 780
- Jokens: Ann Kendon Jo McKenzie 780
- Tortoise and Hares: Philip Seeker Mark Malone John Justice 750
- Simon Rea 720 - 72 SOLO = 648
- F'Karwee: Adam Hampshire, Kelly Scott 610
- Dumb and Dumber: Shane Ross, Wessel De Meyr 580
- Jo's AW Runners: Jo Boyle Rachael Horwell, Elizabeth Claridge, Lindsay Parker 600 - 90 =510
- Michelle Cole 580 - 90 LATE - 49 SOLO = 441
- Alister Adams, Kim Daubney No Score Sheet
Parks and Pathways, 19 Jun 13
Course planner
Time 3hrs. 100% Dark. Showers, light southerly, but temperature in double figures. The polar blast hasn't arrived yet. 87 participants.
Mary writes...
After a slightly manic map distribution, where the clue sheets arrived late - we started calm and wet but not raining, but oh boy did it finish on a very wet note. Some of the sheets handed in were completely bedraggled and incomprehensible, as were the participants. Made me glad I'm not a teacher though, trying to wade through that on a regular basis where kids have given their homework to the dog!
There were a few confusing controls, and there were quite a few teams marked down, but there were enough correct answers to justify the marking down. The steps at no 36 had a variety of answers, some saw the barrels at no 56 and some didn't, and a few people spotted that I had actually written the answer in the clue sheet for 59. But not that many actually:-) The rocks at no 46 had several right answers so I marked the others wrong. I hope you got some of the great views I saw when I was setting it up, but in reality I think there was a lot of clag.
In future, please, can people only have 2 slices of pizza each. There was enough for 1/4 pizza for everyone, and lots of people didn't get any at the end.
And don't forget to . . . . . floss daily
Results (the league table is here.)
Names now updated from pre-registrations to actuals. 15 Aug allowance made for valid alt #77 answer.
- The Locals: Darryn Gordon Paul Abbott 900 56 wrong
- Cathy Fraser, Rob McCrudden 790 4A and 99 wrong
- Walking Wonders: Jenny Cossey Ian McCabe and Bryce Hamilton 760 18,23,28,65 wrong
- Andy's AW Angels Walkers: Andy Newman Jenny Newman, Helen Dent 640 26 wrong
- AW Jo's Girls: Jo Boyle Rachel Horwell, Elizabeth Claridge 550
- The Carrots: Kath Haines Andrew Roxburgh Claire Houlihan 470 no sheet
- Dales AW Walkers: Ira Wiehn Hayley Hopwood Melanie Fisher no sheet
- Allyson and Natalie's AW Walking Girls: Allyson Ashfield Micael Bobbypin Dianne Theobald Kim Farrar Natalie Mason no sheet
- Lightning Speed Robots: Kelvin Thiele Richard Persson Martyn Bayly 1490 -30L =1460
- Chris Swallow, Sherman Smith 1180 39 wrong
- Mafia: Mark Hearfield Nick Lowe Fiona Dowling AJ Millward 1140 2E,46 36 wrong
- Ray's AW team: Raymond Morgan Tristan Girdwood Magnus Ljunggren
Megan Girdwood 1070 no identifiable sheet
- Les Ch'tits: Vincent Zintzen Mark Hooker 960
- Tortoise and Hares: Henry Jenkins Mark Malone John Justice Tim Hodgkinson 950
- BMC Riders: Nick Engleback Siobhan Quayle 900 28 wrong
- Jenny Visser, Mike Fee 900 no identifiable sheet
- Where To Now: Ash Walker Lilla Csorgo 880 36 wrong
- Sue Me: Sue Eastwood Graeme Silcock 820 56 wrong
- Jokens: Ann Kendon Jo McKenzie 820 16 wrong
- Holly Le Heux, Daniel Grose, Luke Edwards 810 16 wrong
- Bog Trotters: Leonie Waayer Andrew Begbie 800 16 and 50 wrong
- Aotearoa Eel Conservation Soc: Heather Kirkham Jo Holden, Dan Pringle, Chris Sherwood 800 31 wrong
- Michael Wood (mapper's penalty 10% less time) 870 -87S =783 2A, 39 wrong
- Lisa Phelan, Cath Allan, Kristin Jarvis 780 52 and 2D wrong
- John Jelley Stefan Jannesens Bob Breukers 740 no identifiable sheet
- Sweetest Things: Jenny Fildes Michelle Lendnal, Margaret Reynolds, Sandy Jones 700 28 wrong
- Helen McKendry, Lou Hales, Nicola Mitchell 640 no sheet
- Mike Judd, Raewyn Moss 640 no sheet
- Charmaine White Laura Roberts Jen wra 610
- Lizzie Bunckenburg, Stefanie Woodrow, Ian B no sheet
- Greg Spence Solo no sheet
- Swift: Andrew Riddle Ian Riddle no sheet
Lowry, 21 May 13
Course planners Darryn Gordon and Mike Sherwin.
Time 3hrs. 100% Dark. Fine weather, 97 participants.
Darryn writes...
An extremely good turn out. We were also blessed with
the weather being clear and still, which made it an outstanding night
for Rogaining. Thanks to all of you that provided positive feedback about the course. We felt it was well balanced, providing options for those that preferred
the road and easy navigation and also much more difficult controls for
those that love bait lines and getting a bit more off-track. Bill
Edwards won on the night, but was closely followed by the Lightning
Speed Robots - who now have a good lead in the league.
There were some real talking points though, which it'd be remiss of us
not to mention:
- Controls 32 and 49 appeared to stump all competitors. Controls
were put out with GPS, but given that no one got these we have awarded
the points to everyone that tried to pick them up. Our punishment - a
weekend trip's to check that ribbon and sign.
- The private track had two controls contested by a very small
number of teams - 33 and 60. Most teams found these controls and we are
[GPS] confident they were in the right place.
- Controls 90 and 100 were found by most teams, but not all.
Given the importance of these to the final results, we have had to award
the points to those teams that actually founds these controls.
- 90 was on a very distinct point of the ridgeline track and the
answer was '10'.
- 100 was not 'skins', which was an old ribbon at the intersection
of the track into the gully back to control 51. This ribbon for control
100 was 'Clay' and was further down this track; it was on the track and
in the right position [GPS] meaning most teams got this.
Finally, you may be aware that we had a serious injury occur on the
course last night. For us this highlighted a few things. Firstly, the spirit in the Rogaine community is exceptional. We
had four teams withdraw themselves from the event to manage everyone's
safety. These teams also stayed together until we were able to arrange
a team of paramedics to get onto the Lowry Ridgeline. Thanks to all of
you that did help.
Whether you're new to Rogaine or experienced, it's vital to have
the minimum gear on you at all time. Thankfully last night this was
well adhered to, meaning the injured competitor had access to security
blankets, thermal clothing, pain relief and even a small fire.
When you are registering your team, can you please ensure you
provide a first name and surname for all team members. We will strictly
enforce this going forward, but it highlighted how important it is that
we know who we were searching for.
Thoroughly enjoyable to organise another one of these.
Results (the league table is here.)
- Jenny Cossey, Ian McCabe 400
- JKHAM 360 (26 wrong)
- AW team 1 - walkers Jo Bole, Kim, Mel 230
- Bill Edwards 1060 -106S =954
- Lightning Speed Robots Kelvin Thiele Richard Persson
Martyn Bayly" 910 (100 wrong)
- Chris Swallow, Sherman Smith 790 (52 wrong, Zebra for 10 WTF, gave it to you though)
- Debbie Mansfield, Steve Wagner 730 (100 wrong)
- Bog Trotters Iain Atkinson Leonie Waayer Aidan O'Boyle, Adele 710
- Tararua Epics Dean Ford Kim Daubney 610 (100 wrong)
- Midgets with Mullets Greg Dobson Grant Hector, Ross Woodley 590 (100, 60 wrong)
- Nick Lowe, Dave Rudge 600 -20L =580 (100, 90 wrong)
- Kris Jarvis, Gary Jarvis, Kath Allan, AJ Milwood 580
- Scott and Vincent Vincent Zintzen Scott Taylor 560
- Raymond Morgan 540 (33 wrong)
- Lilla&Ash Ash Walker Lilla Csorgo 530
- Inghams Gillian Ingham Malcolm Ingham 530
- Rascally Rogainers Nicole Ranger, Matt Davies, Tom Bowen 520
- Sarah Gray Ben O'Sullivan 490
- Rob Molloy 470 -47S =423 (60 wrong)
- AW team Tortoise & Hares Henry Jenkins Holly Le Heux
Rachel Horwell Fiona Elliot 460 (100 and 45 wrong)
- MaFiA Mark Hearfield Fiona Dowling
Andy Foster 450 (60 wrong)
- Goats Sarah Bailey Ian Tulloch
Stu Collins 460 -40L =420 (90 wrong)
- Nick Engleback Siobhan Quayle 430 -20L =410
- Zippy Rebekah, Fiona, Muriel Seeley 400 (90 wrong)
- Swift Andrew Riddle plus ?? 390
- Simon & Jeff Simon Rea Jeff Williams 500 -140L =360
- William Shatners Pants Shula Webb Gregg Cornwell, Chris Swallow 350 (45 wrong)
- The Sweetest Things Jenny Fildes Margaret Reynolds
Michelle Lendnal 330
- Marie and Sharron Marie Henderson Sharron Came 320 (80 wrong)
- KPMG Navigators Matt Knarston Vanessa Alty, Daniel McKellar 320
- Lizzy and Ian Bunckenburg 310 (90 wrong)
- AW, BO, JO 290
- Rochelle Andrews, Melissa Curtis 290 (90 wrong)
- Michelle & Josh Michelle Cole Josh Kench 260
- Raewyn Moss, Richard Arnold 210
- Eels Jo Holden, Him Indoors, Her in charge, NavMan Rescue
- Sue Me Graeme Silcock Sue Eastwood Rescue
- JoKens Ann Kendon Jo McKenzie Rescue
- Sheridan Mike Sheridan Ryan Sheridan Rescue
J'ville-Newlands, 17 Apr 13
Course planner
Time 3hrs. 95% Dark. Warm conditions but misty drizzle for most of the time. 61 participants.
Mark writes...
Not the weather we?ve become accustomed to but in the end the rain stayed light and the clag eventually lifted though I?m told visibility was limited up high (it was fine in the sauna). The 60 who turned up came back on time and mostly in one piece, (one DNF due to a flare up of an old injury) which makes the organiser?s job much easier.
The Lightning Speed Robots took it out by nearly 100points, Nick and Mary were next (the only team who ventured down and up the Gorge, Nick tells me it was worth it) followed by the Brainy Potaters with Debbie and Steve close behind. Some close scores in the middle of the field, ties have been ranked according to who finished earliest.
With the exception of 41 all the controls were visited, 42 caused some problems - ?Monitoring Line 2? was written on a pink plastic triangle on a tree (perhaps a bit hard to see by head-torch, I set it in daylight). 37 (the missing clue, sorry about that) had a variety of answers. For the record a ?saddle clamp? is a U shaped bracket that goes around a pipe. This one was definitely easier to see coming down than going up.
Finally most people got the full 100 points from the concrete mushroom, easy enough to read the plaque for the year but you had to go right inside to find the rest of the date ? if we?d had real rain this one might have been impossible! Thanks to everyone for coming, see you all at the next one.
Results (download the league table here)
- The Walkers Anna Engleback Beverley Holder 330
- Lightning Speed Robots Kelvin Thiele Richard Persson 820
- Nick & Mary Mary McBride Nick Lowe 750
- Brainy Potaters Jacqueline O'Hagan Helen McKendry 670
- Deb & Steve Debbie Mansfield Steve Wagner 650
- Swift Andrew Riddle Ian Riddle 580
- WGC Onslow Hillary Challenge Ellie Molloy Islay Dickie Clara Queiroz Stuart Engleback Cameron Grant 570
- Mapper's Mates Michael Wood 620 -62S =558 Mappers penalty taken as 18min time reduction
- Bog Troters Ian Harrison Josh Blackmore 550
- No name on sheet! Muriel Sarah, Scotty & Rebekah 530
- Sue Me Graeme Silcock Sue Eastwood 520
- Molloys Lara Molloy Cameron Grant 520
- Happy Platypuses Hazel Bidmead Paul Barr 500
- William Shatters Pants Shula Webb Rory Grice 480
- Rascally Rogainers Nicole Ranger Matt Davies 480
- Irish Rovers Geoff X, Barry 'the Devil is in the detail' Devenney & James 'cannot read a map' McDonnell 450
- Simon & Jeff Simon Rea Jeff Williams 420
- Angry Birds Val Spooner Nicola Mitchell, Karen Orr 420
- Goats Sarah Bailey Ian Tulloch 410
- Jo Holden 430 -43S =387
- Robs Mob Rob Vanderpoel 420 -42S =378
- Doris's Julie Williams Sheila Hart 370
- Jan and Marie Marie Henderson Jan Goodwin 360
- WSC Raiders Paul Campbell Adam Campbell Sam Wells Libby Barnett 350
- Michelle & Josh Michelle Cole Josh Kench 300
- Emjay Jenny Iles Maria Iles 260
- The Legends Fiona Cameron Andrew Cameron DNF