Karori Park 21 Aug 16
Course planner
Beaut weather and a nice pair of courses. It was her first planning project, didn't she do well! And thanks also to the track builders - some no doubt volunteers and perhaps some of it done by Wellington City. Hope you enjoyed it specially the newcomers. 36 participants.
Gavin who is planning the next B-Max is worried that he can't provide any hills. But he has Harcourt Park in Upper Hutt, a bridge over the river, another park on the other side, and some nice riverbanks. Oh yes there ARE some hills - the flood banks!
Some people got a time after Course 1 and others went straight onto Course 2. As you all like to see your name in print (!) we'll list you separately if we know that and combined as well!
And because this was designed for newcomers, we think you should be given pride of place so we're listing from longest (=most fun) to shortest!
Course 1
- Lyle Chetty 50:22
- Daniel Mcilroy 50:22
- Tobias & Saaga 49:27
- Christine & Cheryl 36:30
- Parker Family 36:00
- James De Hair 34:00
- Issy De Hair 33:45
- Simon Kennett & Miro 31:32
- Carina 30:30
- Vanessa Huntley 27:51
- Claudia Alloway 26:10
- Ash & Rachel 21:55
- Marion Castle 21:45
- Lara 21:15
- Nick On 19:25
- Shane Wetzel 19:20
- Marco Renalli 18:54
- Fiona Clendon 15:51
- Kester Holmes 15:40
- Nic Mitchell 14:18
- Mike Fee 11:47
Course 2
- Vanessa Huntley 64:19
- Carina 63:58
- Marion Castle 60:49
- Claudia Alloway 58:55
- Issy De Hair 57:10
- Robert Comeskey 56:10
- James De Hair 52:40
- Daniel Mcilroy 51:55
- Marco Renalli 45.56
- Ash & Rachel 45:40
- Kester Holmes 45:27
- Nick On 42:50
- Tom Bradshaw 41:03
- Fiona Clendon 39:56
- Shane Wetzel 36:38 (DNF, Lost map at 16. Get one of those mapholders Shane.)
- Mike Fee 29:40
- Nic Mitchell 28:57
Course 1 + Course 2
- Jude Young 118:34
- Daniel Mcilroy 102:17
- Carina 94:28
- Vanessa Huntley 92:10
- Issy De Hair 90:55
- James De Hair 86:40
- Claudia Alloway 85:05
- Marion Castle 82:34
- Ash & Rachel 67:35
- Marco Renalli 64:50
- Nick On 62:15
- Kester Holmes 61:07
- Gavin Scott 61:05
- Shane Wetzel 55:58 (DNF, Lost map at 16)
- Fiona Clendon 55:47
- Jenny Visser 48:15
- Barryn Westfield 44:15
- Nic Mitchell 43:15
- Mike Fee 41:27
- Ant Bradshaw 41:20
- Michael Wood 37:25
- Rachel Drew 34:46
For questions about the results consult the course planner or series coordinators, for questions about the page consult OHV's webmaster