Makara Peak MTB Park, 19 July 2015
Course planner
Participants 29.
Dave has recorded control visits from your cards, link here to your route choices.
Thanks to Wellington CC but especially the Makara Peak Supporters for their great work creating tracks, planting natives and controlling pests.
Course 1: 2hr Score Event
- Magnus Bengtsson 1050
- Simon Kennett 1020
- Rachel Drew 1010
- Nicole Ranger 730
- Ant Bradshaw 1060
- Jono Walters 950
- Graeme Silcock 930
- Mike Fee 780
- John Unwin 690
- Michael Wood 630 - 63M =567
- Jenny Visser 750
- Jo Holden 650
- Matthew Lynch 790
- Bill Neale, Mark Hooker 900
- Tracey and Tony Gardner 710 -80L =630
- Jo, Lorne and Sarah 570
Course 99: 1hr Score Event
- Mark Watter 470
- Jenny Cassie 360
- Brent & Thomas Page, Anthony Bichan 330 -50L =280
- Chancey Ellis 200
- Jan, Nat and Samuel Parker 130
Queen Elizabeth Park, 14 June 2015
Course planner
Participants 61.
Greg rescued this event when the planner met a crisis, and his courses used QEP to the max, with route choice on almost every leg (lots of the farmland and even the beach was allowed for passage). C2 was a bit long and we didn't think of a C3 given there was a 1hr score option. In which the scores were upside down, with the close ones worth the most, teehee. Thanks Huey for a great 16-deg day and y'all for coming.
Thanks to Greater Wellington for their great seaside park.
(Minor tweaks 17 June)
Course 1 26km, OM
1=. Magnus Bengtsson, 118-10
1=. Tom Bradshaw, 118-10
3. Mark Wallace, 118-50
4. Cam Durno, 124-50
5. Steve Meeres 145-40
Course 2 22km
- Nicole Ranger 155-00
- Katherine Allan 156-40
- Marian Castle 12C (broken freewheel)
- David King 114-10
- John Robertson 115-20
- Dave Rudge 115-35
- Mike Fee 127-30
- Dirk Naish 161-35
- Tony Gardner 174-00
- Brian Stewart 19C
- Graeme Silcock 15C (derailleur)
- Gavin Scott 14C
- David Middleton 12C
- Ken Fraser 12C
- William Power 3C (tire)
- Nic Mitchell 127-00
- Jo Holden 128-10
- Jenny Cassie 147-30
- Jenny Visser 148-30
- Sam Middleton 157-55
Rec and Team
- TBC's: Christine Stephenson Gwen Ryan Penny Mikkelson 13C
- Julia Fraser Alex Blundell 10C
- Megan and Tracey Gardner 9C
- Harley Dean and son 7C
Course 99 1hr score
- Ant Bradshaw Helen Bewley 690 -20L =670
- Mike Heron 590
- Sarah Underwood 560
- Benedicte Florin Tony Dagger 550
- Christine Heron 520
- Charlie Budd 460
- Caucey Ellis 440 -90L =350
- Catherine Paintling 250
- Annie and Amy 170
CSW Foot (P-Max is based on teams and solos have a 10% discount)
- Stefan Przychodzko 890 -30L -86S =774
- Matthew Dagger 740 -74S =666
- Timon Aegler 670 -67S =603
- Christopher Oscar and James 240
Other Foot (P-Max is based on teams and solos have a 10% discount)
- Rob Molloy 710 -71S =639
- Lightning Speed Robots (3 Thieles) 600
- Andrew Riddle, Jeanette Riddle 540
- Ellie Molloy Stuart Engleback 450
- Barbara Bridger 270 -60L -21S =189