Course 1 Elite 7.42km Men 1 Aaron Princ Elite 65min09 2 Atonie Arcan Elite 65min16 3 Bevan Pratt Elite 87min28 4 Felix Collins Elite 88min47 5 Gavin Mason Elite 100min00 6 Joe Jagusch Elite dsq…msp 1 Women 1 Sara Wallen Elite 67min31 2 Lara Prince Elite 88min40 3 Emily Wall Elite 127min38 Course 2a Open 5.29km Men 1 Ned Norton M19-35 56min28 2 Jochen Bind M19-35 56min29 3 Kynan Bazley M19-35 59min43 4 David Grant M19-35 61min26 5 Shane Sigle M19-35 64min29 6 Andrew Johnstone M19-35 76min40 7 Tim Sikma M19-35 81min07 8 Chris Lovell-SmithM36-45 84min12 9 Eduard Evans M19-35 89min02 10 Dan Gledhill M19-35 92min12 11 Jeremy Bird M19-35 100min42 12 Mike Dunnet M19-35 100min42 13 Sean Husheer M19-35 110min15 14 Tim Jowett M19-35 127min40 Women 1 Samantha Sigle W19-35 64min29 2 Gena Waiba W19-35 78min38 3 Viv Prince W19-35 83min45 4 Anna Page W19-35 84min54 5 Tamsin Page W19-35 84min56 6 Fran Cunninghame W19-35 92min10 7 Michelle Grant W19-35 100min42 8 Angela Moles W19-35 119min04 9 Rhonda Thayer W19-35 dnf Course 2b 16-18yrs 5.44km Men 1 Andrew Pohl M16-18 56min26 2 Brendan Thayer M16-18 66min48 3 Matthew Radford M16-18 66min52 Course 2c 36-45yrs 5.42km Women 1 Mary Jowett W36-45 104min05 2 Genevieve Webb W36-45 121min00 Barbara Bentley W19-35 70min41 (unoff) Anne Saupe W19-35 74min41 (unoff) Sarah Gauthier W19-35 121min00 (unoff) Kate Downer W19-35 139min40 (unoff) Course 3 46 -55yrs 4.07km Men 1 Bruce Meder M46-55 64min31 2 Myles Thayer M46-55 68min55 3 Nick Mortimer M46-55 76min05 4 David McArthur M46-55 86min50 John Alexander M19-35 52min29 (unoff) Troy Mattingley M19-35 55min00 (unoff) Max Barzel M16-18 76min02 (unoff) Eduardo Ramirez M16-18 76min44 (unoff) Ben Lugate M19-35 76min35 (unoff) T Webb M36-45 95min17 (unoff) Mark Botting M19-35 97min55 (unoff) David Webb M36-45 99min41 (unoff) Women 1 Marina Hanger W46-55 65min57 2 Jennifer Hudson W46-55 79min36 3 Judy Wilson W55+ 96min15 4 Jan Piggot W46-55 96min20 5 Alison Pohl W46-55 97min49 Jackie Lugate W19-35 76min36 (unoff) Lena Leuthold W16-18 86min48 (unoff) Andrea Maeckler W19-35 98min09 (unoff) Course 4 55yrs + 3.44km Men 1 Allan Carmen M55+ dnf Women 1 Annie Grant W55+ 49min00 2 Helen Carmen W55+ dnf Briar Alexander W19-35 76min43 (unoff) Stacy Buschl W36-45 80min55 (unoff) Lizzy Roberts W36-45 dsq (unoff) Course 4 12-16 yrs 3.44km Women 1 Michelle Thayer W12-16 82min40 Course 5 under 12yrs 1.62km Boys 1 Malachi Buschl M12 133min40 Girls 1 Emily Buschl W12 68min55 2 Georgia Buschl W12 133min40 Muriel Thayer W55+ DNF
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