Mens Long Event 90min Net Pts Penalty 1 Chris Forne 455 2 Gavin 295 3 John Maxted 280 4 David King 260 5 Ned Norton 260 60 6 Brendan Thayer 240 7 Matthew Radford 240 8 Joe Jaqusch 240 9 Neil Charters 235 10 Andrew Pohl 205 11 Myles Thayer 200 10 12 Tony Bethen 190 13 Filippo Maffezzoli 185 14 Keiran O'Leary 185 15 David Wall 180 16 Peter Fure 170 17 Kelvin Watt 165 10 18 Allan Grant 155 19 Steve Mackie 145 30 20 Greg Hamilton 140 70 21 Michael Carter 140 22 Alister Wall 135 105 23 Jeremy Senior 125 100 24 Luke Lennox 120 25 Richard Henslay 110 26 Tim Jowett 105 27 Dave Picahrd 55 280 28 Blake Divett -30 220 29 Bruce Grant -60 150 Womens Long Event 90min Net Pts Penalty 1 Penny Kane 245 50 2 Tamsin Page 240 3 Aroha Wigran 225 50 4 Frances Bodger 200 10 5 Jo Bethell 190 6 Rochelle O'Hagen 185 7 Emily Wall 180 10 8 Julie Grant 170 8 Michelle Grant 170 10 Sonya McArthur 155 20 11 Lauren Dunstan 140 12 Linley Earnshaw 140 13 Briar Horton 125 20 14 Elise Williamson 125 20 15 Haley Panl 125 20 16 Jennifer Hudson 105 17 Christian Robb 105 18 Raewyn Moss 105 19 Sally Duston 100 20 Brydee Strong 100 21 Rhonda Thayer 100 22 Alison Pohl 80 23 Pam Thayer 80 24 Pat Ehrhardt 40 25 Jayne Shuker 25 120 26 Myriel Thayer -35 100 27 Shelley Cottle -60 200 28 Sarah Gauthier -65 210 29 Alex Clark-Grant -70 150 30 Sandra Druett -120 220 31 Kate Druett -180 230 32 Jo Wilson -415 550 Men and Women Short Event 45min Net Pts Penalty 1 Alana Ferris 90 1 Sally Harries 90 3 Jesse Clark Grant 60 4 Stacy Buschl 50 4 Emily Buschl 50 6 Georgia Buschl 20 6 Malachi Buschl 20
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