WHITE Alexander Boyd & Hamish Carson 0h17m10s Diana & Jenny 0h42m43s Andrena & Bryony - YELLOW David Grant 0h54m00s Michell & Sonya 1h16m30s Ingrid Wislon & Sophie Taylor 1h28m00s Steve Foote 1h28m50s Gainv Beattie & Taryn Smithers 1n38m00s Rohana & Julie 1h48m30s Pam Thayer dnf Mathew Radford dnf Stephanie Smith dnf SHORT ORANGE Alan Grant 2h10m20s Rob & Amanda Batt 3h33m35s Rhonda Thayer dnf Brendan Thayer dnf LONG ORANGE Ernie Maluschnig 2h28m40s Pete Tryner 3h05m50s Kev Knowles 3h15m25s Non Petpaisit 4h23m00s Dave Montague 5h23m00s John Marshall dnf Myles Thayer dnf Ciaran Thayer dnf
Planners Francesca Cunninghame and Julie Grant, Dunedin OC
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