What is Wellington Ridge-Runners?

We are a virtual club - No subs, no committee, nothing formal.

We are an email group of like minded people who like to go running - usually through the hills and mountains. You will see a bunch of us at most mountain races, rogaines, adventure races - out there exhausting ourselves.

Some of us are keenly involved in organising and participating in rogaines, and off road fun runs.

Once or twice a year someone will put their hand up to organise an excursion slightly further afield, for a bit of an off road running adventure. More frequently someone will be looking for others to head off for a quiet weekend training run. The frequency of events depends on you - Any member (all 228 of us) can send an email invitation to the rest of us.

The only rule we have is one of self sufficiency.

If you come along on a run - Make sure you contact the organiser to let them know you are coming and find out the details on the run: where, what to bring, how long for, pace, will we be staying together, transport arrangements.

As a guideline if you are heading somewhere remote (And that applies to just about all our weekend runs) you should bring along:

Sounds a lot - but its only about 2kg of gear.

You should run with this even on brilliantly fine days - Its when things go wrong that you will need it. You cool off real quick when you stop running. Someone in the group may twist a knee, break an ankle or have an allergic reaction...Its when this stuff happens that you need your gear (and your running mates!)..Over the years some of us have been involved with all of the above situations, have been prepared and been able to deal with it.

See you out there, Mike

The mailing list runs automatically as a Yahoo! Group called "Wellingtonridgerunners". To subscribe to this group, send an email to wellingtonridgerunners-subscribe@yahoogroups.com

This page written by by and installed on 23 Sep 05.