Kiwis Sign Up for World Rogaine

Update 25 June 02

With one month to go, entries for the World Rogaine Champs have reached 190 teams. One more kiwi team (or half team) with Simon Moseley (possibly Taranaki) teaming up with David Moseley from UK, perhaps a brother. They'll be in the Mens Vet class. And ex-kiwi Ted van Geldermalsen who has been to all the World Champs so far will also be in the Mens Vet with Australian Derek Morris. The pair were 7th in the Australian Champs recently.

Annie Sanderson and Nick Collins show in the list as "cancelled or not paid" but RogaineNZ understands they are still intending to take part. And there won't be any sort of North American presence either, with still no Canadians and only 3 part-US teams. It's certainly surprising that the US, which has been given the following World Champs, will not be there in force.

Earlier story...

In addition to defending champion Greg Barbour, 6 other teams of kiwis have entered for the 5th World Rogaine Champs in the Czech Republic in July. The event is based on the small town of Lesna near the German border.
The entrants are:

There are 12 Australian teams and three part-Australian teams among the 132 entrants so far. There are lots of Czech entries of course and other European countries, but few British or Scandinavian names are there yet. And the big surprise is that there are no entries yet from Canada, and from USA only half a team in the form of Sharon Crawford. After Australia, North America is the most active rogaining part of the world.

Entries close on 10 July.

Written by Michael Wood and updated on 16 Apr 02.