Entries Flow In for World Championship

Entries from NZ, Australia (of course), Hong Kong, USA, Finland

With six months to go and four months to entry close, strong entries have been received for the 4th World Rogaining Championship to be held in Canterbury, NZ. A particular note for NZers is that there is a limit of 400 people and if it looks like this will be reached then local competitors will be put on a waiting list.

Some remarks about the entrants so far, bearing in mind that only the "contact person" is in the list and so other team members are not known at this stage, quite possibly they haven't even been declared to the organisers!

The complete entry list is on the WRC4 website. Take a look to make up for the unavoidable kiwi bias in the above selections.

This page was written by Michael Wood, and was installed on 19 July 99.
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