WAIRAMARAMA ROGAINE Final Instructions and Briefing Thank you for your entry. You can still book accommodation through Richard Gemmell on 09 - 232 8424 or simply turn up to camp or sleep over in the hall. 1. Safety 1.1 Ensure that you have adequate water, a good parka and a whistle. Water points are shown on the map but you should carry at least 1.5l/person. It is not advisable to drink from the streams. 1.2 Team members must stay within 100m of each other, unless going for help in an emergency. 1.3 If you are too exhausted to return to the start/finish area, head for the Ring Road (Ponganui, Brien and Wairamarama Roads) and wait for the sweep vehicle to pick you up (will do a circuit every hour on the hour from 7pm). 1.4 Cellphones (025) work from most high points. This will be a valuable but not compulsory safety feature for each team. The base number is 025 - 2899401 or dial 111 if an extreme emergency. The nearest farmhouse to the start/finish area is Richard Gemmell on 09 - 232 8424. 1.5 Hazards include electric fences (assume all fences are on), old fences, tomos, unmarked cliffs and caves. There is a deep, uncrossable swamp west of Control 31. Dogs may or may not be friendly. Stock are not used to visitors - keep your distance and avoid chasing them into a corner or over the edge. 1.6 Waterfalls are high (6m+) and dangerous around the edges. Keep to well marked stock routes. 1.7 Hunters occasionally use the forest area but all owners have been advised of the rogaine event so there should be no hunters out. 2. The Map The map is the standard 1:50,000 series (sheet R13 - Port Waikato). Date of photography is 1969 - expect man made features to be different - especially tracks, pine plantations and cleared areas of native bush. The contours have not changed significantly. We have made only one map correction to locate a linking track between Klondyke and Ponganui Roads. The event centre is at grid reference 747-197. Maps can be collected 30 minutes before the start i.e. 5.30am for the 12 hour and 11.30am for the 6 hour. There will be one colour copy for each team member plus black and white copies. Maps and control cards are not weatherproof and need to be protected - plastic bags will be supplied but bring your own if you are fussy. Please also have a pencil or pen for marking the control card codes en route. 3. Control Features The control circle is centred on the map feature. Additional instructions are provided for each control point so that you should easily locate the control from the map feature. Write the control code in the relevant box on the control card. Waterfalls used as controls are at least 6m high. There are a number of smaller waterfalls (1m to 4m) that are not marked. 4. The Rules All team members must reach the control sites. Avoid disturbing stock. Climb gates at hinge end, fences at posts. Leave gates as you found them - do not leave a gate open for an approaching team. Report any damage or problems with stock. Enjoy the event. 5. The Tally Points will be awarded for each control code identified. The points value is ten times the first digit i.e. 82 = 80 points, 83 = 80 points, 21 = 20 points etc. There will be no spot prizes or certificates. A penalty of 10 points per minute will be deducted for teams returning late with disqualification after 30 minutes i.e. 6.30pm. 6. On Completion Mark your approximate route on the map so that we can see where you went. Tuck into the food and drink. We are working on setting up a cold shower at the hall but do not count on it. Campers may have to return to the waterfall for a shower or bring your own solar bag.
Written by Aidan Nelson and installed on 19 Mar 01.