Stuart Lynch-pin at Riverhead

3hr Riverhead Rogaine, 21 Dec 03

Mountain-biker and multisporter Stuart Lynch was the key in the winning teams in both Saturday's Trailquest and yesterday's 3-hr rogaine in Riverhead Forest near Auckland. With partner Vaughn he beat Rob Jessop and Mark Lawson. Marquita Gelderman and Rebecca Smith were the top women.

Lynch has a natural instinct for navigation, and was the top kiwi man in the recent Australia-NZ MTB-orienteering Challenge in Victoria in September. He posted the second-fastest time in the challenge.

There were about 120 people in the rogaine, which followed a similar weekend two weeks ago at Woodhill. Results will be on the Lactic Turkey website shortly.

And in news just to hand, organiser Bob Cunninghame says that the Naseby 6/12hr rogaine on 13 March will use cryptic clues in the Twalk/EPIC style. The event will be run by YODA, which is the youth arm of the Dunedin Orienteering Club. YODA has been responsible for many alternative styles of mapsport over the years, including several "Hillbilly Challenges", which were ultra-long orienteering events in Naseby Forest. Details via the calendar when available.

This page was written by Michael Wood, and installed on 22 Dec 03.