Shoestrings Being Tied in Wellington Again

In the area which invented "shoestring rogaines", the shoestrings are being tied up again. Four afterwork events in or around Wellington are being planned as a leadup to the Hawkes Bay Rogaine on 7 Dec.

Shoestring rogaines don't have any control markers, you navigate to the feature on the map in the middle of the circle, and that's it. At the end, you claim your score on an honesty basis. The course planner who has set things up on the table at home often runs too!

Starting times vary a bit to ensure a bit of darkness. If you get there late the spare maps are usually under someones windscreen wiper. There are no records of who is out on the course, so take the same precautions you would for a long run: run with a mate (as in a true rogaine), or let someone know where you are going and when you'll be back. The dates are Wednesdays (sorry those who have knitting classes on Wednesdays).
16 Oct
30 Oct
13 Nov
27 Nov

Mike Sheridan who has just been appointed to the NZOF Rogaine Committee is pulling the strings.

This page written by Michael Wood and installed 20 Sep.