Rogainers Make the Most of Summer

Christchurch and Wellington Afterwork Events

Both Christchurch and Wellington rogainers are following New Plymouth's example to run afterwork rogaines in summer. The relative lack of darkness is countered by better weather, which should encourage lingering a bit longer afterwards:-))

In Chch Chris Forne and Emily Wall are doing another Port Hills Twilight Rogaine on Wed 15 Dec; their last one broke new ground with orienteering-derived enlargements of selected parts of the map, and attracted a huge entry. Registration is at Victoria Park carparkfrom 5:30, maps 6:30, rogaine 7-10pm.

For entry forms and more information see the Canty Uni Tramping Club website or contact

In Wellington Mike Sheridan enthuses, "a summer of local rogaining is now ready to add to your calendar. Whether you are competitive runner, orienteer or adventurer or want to get out and test your planning and navigation skills and get some exercise then this new series is just for you!"

He and his mates are putting on a series of 4 afterwork events - all reasonably close to town. For those in need of some tuition he will be running a couple of training evenings before the first race. A couple of new twists for this series are:

Other details same as before...

Event Calendar

This page written by and installed on 10 Dec 04.