Wellington Shoestring Rogaine Details Announced

Eastbourne details added
Stokes Valley added

Well not all the details! These are shoestring events after all. But the first one on Oct 16 will start at Plateau Road, Te Marua: leave SH2 at the Te Marua Dairy and follow signs to "Tunnel Gully". Do not drive into the recreation reserve which is locked at dusk but turn and park on the roadside.

Maps will be issued at 6:15, start at 6:30pm. The duration is 3 hours, that will give at least 50% darkness. The planner is Dave King. Map charge $5 per person.

The second one on Oct 30 will start at Tui Glen School, Stokes Valley. Again maps will be issued at 6:15, start at 6:30, finish at 9:30. The planner is Michael Wood.

To find Tui Glen first find Stokes Valley, from SH2 you can cross the river at Kelson and travel upstream, or cross the river at Silverstream and travel downstream. Travel up the main drag of Stokes Valley about 1km and Tui Glen School is on your right.

This will be a genuine shoestring rogaine with no markers at the controls, however they will be un-missable features such as track junctions and pylons. The close controls will be around Stokes Valley but there will be points on offer as far as Pinehaven and there's a good maze of tracks in between. Provided you're prepared for hills, the highest point on the map is 441m. The map although unchecked since last summer will be better than the topo, and at a scale of 1:20,000 or 25,000.

Safety: Remember that 441m, bring appropriate gear. Solos, this is the main safety risk, you are required to file a "flight plan" (on a B/W copy of the map which I will supply) and carry a whistle.

The third one at Eastbourne on 13 Nov is organised by Mike Sheridan who says...

As with most of the events I organise it promises to be a little different.

If you have not done a rogaine before these after work events are an excellent way to start. The Eastbourne event will have many controls on tracks for those new to the sport.... and for those looking for more of a challenge there will be four or five loops you can attempt that will be off track in the bush. For those looking for an even greater challenge, attempting these loops in the dark will be the ultimate.

So come on down for a run along the tracks...try out your navigation skills in the bush or try one of the loops in the dark! There will be the usual ribbon controls to hunt for.

As before logistics will be 6.15 map available for a 6.30pm start. Meeting place is the Plunket rooms in Eastbourne....that's at the end of the main shopping street where it meets Eastbourne wharf on Rimu Street/Marine Parade. There will even be a sausage afterwards. $5 each.

Bring along a friend, workmate, mother in law, boss, flatmate and come along. I will be able to match any novices up with some experienced people who can show you the ropes. An email back to me if you are coming will be helpful for map printing .

Results as they happen will be posted on the Results Page. The series of three shoestrings are being coordinated by Mike Sheridan Ph 04 562 8839.

This page written by Michael Wood, and updated on 6 Nov 03.