Sheridan’s club Orienteering Hutt Valley introduced rogaining to New Zealand with a 4hr event in 1991. The initial aim was to gradually build up towards 24hrs, but the runaway success of 3-hour afterwork rogaines led to expanding downwards! Sheridan has coordinated 3hr rogaines all around Wellington, including training sessions for competitors and course planners, and the “shoestring” rogaines have spread to other parts of the country. Sheridan also works on "classic" rogaines, masterminding Tararua24, the 2006 New Zealand Championship.
The IRF award takes the form of a replica geoduck, a saltwater clam found on the Pacific coast of North America. Only one has been awarded per year in the past, but this year Alan Mansfield, chief organiser of the world champs in Australia, also received one. Michael Wood was the recipient in 2004.
The award was announced at the recent world championship in Australia,
but Sheridan was sleeping at the time and it was later overlooked.
The trophy was brought back top NZ by other kiwis
and physically awarded at the Guy Fawkes rogaine, where Mike was in the second-placed 12-hour team.
This page was written by by and installed on 13 Dec 06.