Incentive for Early Rogaine Entry

The organisers of the Marlborough Rogaine report:

Entries have started to arrive. They are pretty much equally divided between Canterbury, the Nth Island and local entries from Blenheim. They cover most of the categories and include 3 novice teams who happen to be all-woman teams from Belenheim.

We are very keen to get a handle on the numbers we will be dealing with, so we have decided to offer teams who enter before the 31st October a chance to win $50 worth of petrol vouchers as an incentive to enter this month. The winner will be drawn from all the entries we have at hand on the 311st of October.

Remember if you want transport from Blenheim or Picton to the event we want to see your entries by the end of October anyway.

The closing date remains the 16th Nov and there will be no refunds after that date.

Things to think about: We will require each team to have at least one compass and each person to carry a whistle.

Written by Alan Holdaway and installed on 18 Oct 01