Outstanding Kiwi result in Australian Champs

Mixed Supervet Team Fourth Place Outright!

The Mixed Supervet team of Pete Squires, Bill and Ann Kennedy scored fourth highest overall in the YHA 2000 Australian Rogaining Championships held last weekend.

The Christchurch team scored 2510 of a possible 3490, on a beautifully passable but steep area in the upper Hunter Valley, 300km northeast of Sydney. The winning team, which was a Vet Mens team containing the M35 winner of the Asia-Pacific Orienteering Champs a week earlier, scored 2900. 2nd, 3rd and 5th places were also taken by veteran men, with open men not to mention open women not getting a look in. There were 160-odd teams in the event.

Other NZers taking part were Michael Wood and Tony Gazley from Wellington, 5th with 2380; Vivienne Prince formerly of Christchurch in the top Mixed Vets team with Victorian Derek Morris, on 2300; Barry Hope and Susan King from Marlborough; and PAPO member Peter Dilks who teamed with Alan Stow, a Christchurch man transferred to Melbourne for a couple of years.

The rogaine area had very few manmade features, only a few tracks near the edges and a tranmission line crossing the map from north to south. Because of this there were only three water points (near the periphery( but the organisers made two of them into "all-night cafes" with food available as well as at the traditional Hash-House at the start-finish.

The high ground in the middle of the map rose 700m, and efficient strategies were needed to minimise climb, one team visiting the high-pointers from the top rather than repeated climbs from the bottom. Vegetation was about 20% open land, 50% sparse eucalypt forest and 30% denser trees, but hardly anything that hindered passage. A few rock outcrops on the steeper slopes were the only obstacles. The 1:25,000 map, drawn in OCAD from a topo base was easy to read.

To cap it off, the weather was fine, and frosty during the 13-hour night, ideal rogaining conditions. Full results will presumably appear soon on the website, which you get to via http://rogaine.asn.auand clicking on the state of New South Wales.

This page was written by Michael Wood, on 20 July 00, and a few errors corrected on 9 Aug 00.

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