Offshore Rogaine News

Despite lack of wings the kiwi is a great traveller. New Zealanders have taken part in all 5 World Rogaine Championships, and the birthplace of rogaining is just over the Tasman. So we've added "Significant International Rogaines" to our event calendar.

The next World Champs will be in the USA, but all we know is "somewhere on the Mogollon Rim in north-eastern Arizona, in May 2004."

And the next Australian Champs in January will have at least two NZ teams. Alan, Richard and Robbie Holdaway of Blenheim are entry number 1! And the successful Squires/Kennedy/Kennedy team also appear on the entry list. Check out the lastest entries on the Rogaining Tasmania website.

And while looking over the Tasman we discovered an excellent introduction to rogaining on the Victorian rogaine website. It's called Which way's North? and its a 1mb pdf. We've added the link to our reference section under "What is Rogaining?"

This page was written by Michael Wood and installed 23 Nov 02.