Heights of Kowowai Rogaine Ready to Go

NZRA, 7 hours, 29 Nov 03

NZRA reports that the Heights of Korowai is "ALL GO". The 7-hour event is in the Canterbury foothills west of Christchurch. With all 35 checkpoint locations in place, organisers Grant (Heights of Winter) Hunter and Dave Laurie are looking forward to packing you off for the delightful spots they've found. Though several planning trips were hampered by knee-deep snow, they swear this is now over until next July. We can offer lodge type accommodation within a kilometre or ten of the start for any out-of-towners, and there is free camping in the area.

Grant says they will colour code a subset of relatively accessible checkpoints so the event offers a good rogaining starter-pack, as well as the more usual challenge - tell your friends. Entries close in about a week (Wednesday 19th November) so get yours in. See the website www.rogaine.org.nz for details and to download an entry form. Contact Grant at (03) 351 6369 or email g.hunter@clear.net.nz if you require further information or wish to book a place in the Lodge.

This page assembled by Michael Wood, and installed on 10 Nov 03.