T'Walk stands for Twenty-four Hour Walk, and is a zany annual event kind of like a rogaine. While there is a hash-house, you have to get there yourself after being dropped off by bus at an unknown location. After you get there there is "unlimited food, partying, and general mayhem for the rest of the twenty-four hours." You can partake of that, or you can embark on one or more cloverleaf courses from there. You get a map, but the precise location of the controls requires the use of cryptic clues.
T'Walk could be NZ's longest-enduring endurance event. (Go on, prove me wrong!) The first one was held over 30 years ago, perhaps 1967. It's a remarkable record, especially considering that the Canterbury University Tramping Club will have had many changes of membership over that period. This year's event is on 5/6 May.
Meanwhile Wairarapa Orienteers are putting on the second Autumn Mist Rogaine on May 19. The first one in 99 was held just south of the wine-growing area of Martinborough, and this year it is just north. 12, 6 and 3hr courses are available, and at this time of year you'll need your torch at the beginning and the end of at least the 12hr.
The Entry Form is not part of the above info for technical reasons that I can't solve, so you'll have to do two clicks to get hold of] all the details. I'm sure that if you can walk for even 3 hours, you can push that mouse button twice!
Written by Michael Wood and installed on 26 Mar