Marathon-Orienteering Trophy Inches Forward
NZOF's proposal that the IOF Marathon-Orienteering
Trophy alternate between a Mountain Marathon and Rogaine
has come a step closer to reality. Minutes of the May meeting of the
IOF's Foot-Orienteering Committee, just to hand, recommend that the 2003
trophy event be the Karrimor International Mountain Marathon in Scotland on Oct 25/26,
and that thereafter rogaines and mountain marathons would alternate.
(See earlier story.)
It isn't yet known whether this decision has the blessing of the IOF
council or the International Rogaining Federation. A meeting of the
IOF's Marathon-Orienteering Working Group is supposed to take place
at the KIMM, but details of the meeting haven't yet been received by
members of the group.
Truly is orienteering the hare and tortoise sport!
Written by Michael Wood and installed
on 10 July 03.