And he has just announced a low-key "Half-EPIC" of 6 hours duration at Bannockburn. Bruce has been doing some navigation training for the army, and the opportunity has arisen to make use of the same area and preparations. The Half is on 26 July with entries closing on 18 July. You may need to be prepared for the white stuff on this one!
More details and entry forms on Bruce's EPIC Navigation website.
And the winning routes for last weekend's Piha 6 and 3-hr rogaine are on the Lactic Turkey website. But strangely, not the actual results at the time of first writing. Apparently it was a bit wet, maybe they didn't use waterproof clipcards??? (Later: turns out that it was a control under a bridge, lots of people claimed it wasn't there, so they allowed claims, then a team found it, so they disallowed all those claims, etc...)
Results now there, they got a good entry. And check out the Girlsontop website for some pictures.
This page was assembled by
Michael Wood, installed 5 July 03 and updated 9 July