29 Complete Marlborough Shoestring

Le Sueur and Le Sueur Win Practice Rogaine, Dec 12

29 people from Blenheim and Nelson turned out on a sunny, warm, windy morning to complete in the 3-hour rogaine planned by the Marlborough Orienteering Club. Maps were handed out at 8:30am and after a short briefing at ten to nine they were off at 9:00.

All competitors headed for the Wither Hills to the east of the town, resisting the five control sites in Blenheim proper. These had been placed here in case the planner was able to talk some local harriers to take part. He was completely unsuccessful except for the 3rd place competitor Russell Lundon who gained 790 points to prove runners can be bright too.

In front off him was Tony LeSeuer on 860 points for first place but only on time. Second place went to Dan Dollimore and friend who also gained 860 points. Tony, in an open team with his brother Warren, is entered for the 24hr World Championship rogaine in January. Dan is a university student home for holidays from Dunedin. Coming in next was the MOC members Mark Wheeler on 730 points and Robin Litchfield on 690 points.

In 6th, 7th and 8th places were more starters using this as training for the World Championship event in January. Susan King & Barry Hope on 690 points, Richard Holdaway on 680 points and Lance Eccles also on 680 points. Richard's partner for January is his Dad (the planner) who was an unofficial starter gaining 800 points. Lance's partner is Steve Foote.

Most competitors made the most of the 3 hours allowed and only one team received a 10-point penalty for being late. Great to have four teams from TOPS (Nelson) among the starters.

Results are on the result page.

This page was written by Alan Holdaway and was installed on 15 Dec 99.
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