Should be a good tussle on the open between Rob Jessop/Mark Lawson and Darren Ashmore/Phil Wood, but Chris Forne got second at Solomons throne didn't he? Andy Rhodes is handy on a bike, did anyone tell you this is on foot Andy? Tony and Warren Le Sueur are locals but have impressed in some of the earlier Wellington rogaines. And of course there's all the dark horses that we don't know much about. Just as well the Eco Challenge, Southern Traverse and Mizone race have taken the stuffing out of all those multi sporters...
That was just the M category, oldies have been known to scoop the pool in this game, but we hear that the Squires/KennedyX2 team is suffering in the knee department. Chris Tait and Tony Gazley won the second NZ Rogaine Champs way back in 97 and have done several of the World Champs including 3rd Vet Men at Solomons Throne. Dave Laurie has done a few internationally and his partner Tom Barnfield used to be good in the days of mountain marathons.
Rachel and Rebecca Smith are the only open women we know much about, Rachel was in the winning OW team at Solomons. Marcus King and Irene Pow were best of the local Open mixed there, now they are VX so watch them. But let's face it we know stuff-all about many of the names so a few of you will have the last laugh I'm sure. Enjoy yourselves...
Team NO. Grade Names 1 X Andreas Kubisch & Cherie Marshall Wellington 2 XSV Peter Squires, Anne Kennedy & Bill Kennedy Leeston 3 Michael Wood & TBA Lower Hutt 4 MV Dave Laurie & Tom Bamfield Christchurch 5 X Warren McKie & Kath Copland Christchurch 6 WN Kate Batten & Katie Rattray Blenheim 7 X Maureen McCloy & Mike Flaws Christchurch 8 MV Barry Hope & Colin Hope Blenheim & Cromwell 9 M Team Mondo Enterprises - Mondo Kopua & Jut Bishop Blenheim 10 M Luke Paardekooper & Ross Barnes Eastbourne 11 XN Andrew Robbie, Peter Campbell & Jenny Campbell Wellington 12 WVN Julie Saul & Penny Dollimore Blenheim 13 WN Jenny Biddulph, Jane Mitchell & Sandra Steingrimsson Blenheim 14 M Steven Knowles & Malcolm Chiles Wellington 15 X Trish Faulkner & Simon Faulkner Christchurch & Nth Island 16 XN Richard Law & Gillian McCloy Blenheim 17 WV Hilary Frewin & Sharon Adamson Rahotu 18 MV Mike Sheridon & Allan Stowell Wellington 19 MV Mark Wheeler & Alan Wilson Blenheim 20 XV Annie Sanderson & Nick Collins New Plymouth 21 M Alan Stow & Ron Rumbal Christchurch 22 MV Chris Tait & Tony Gazley Wellington 23 W Rachel Smith & Rebecca Smith Christchurch 24 W Chris Byrch & Ali Bell Christchurch 25 W Linda Lilburne & Heather North Christchurch 26 XV Lesley Woudberg & Jac Woudberg Christchurch 27 WV Wendy Nelson & Lisa Pilkington Christchurch 28 M Varian Wilson, Nick Boniface & Pat Vandepol Christchurch 29 M Clive Marsh & Ross McLean Christchurch 30 M Kalle Pokkinen, Brent Adcock & John Veal Wellington 31 M Chris Forne & Steve Fortune Christchurch 32 M Julian Maclaren, Michael Smithson & Joe Jagusch Christchurch 33 XFN James Scott & Katie Scott Lower Hutt 34 M Alan Lowrie & Mike Lowrie Wellington 35 XV Irene Pow & Marcus King Christchurch 36 XV Dorothy Kane & Neil Kane Wellington 37 M Andy Rhodes & Bruce McBride Christchurch 38 MN Barry Moore & Shawn Black Blenheim 39 M Mark Botting, Chris Muller & Pat McLarin Christchurch 40 XVN Jane Minto & Colin Findlay Blenheim 41 M Doug Walsh & Mike Walsh Christchurch 42 M Tony LeSueur & Warren LeSueur Blenheim 43 XF Pat Bodger, Kate Bodger & Frances Bodger Christchurch 44 WVN Nicky Bodger & Frances Wall Christchurch 45 XJN Frith Dollimore, Ben Irving, Steph Kerr & Sam Reed Blenheim 46 MV Neil Higgins, Cliff Jones & Rod Smillie Kaponga 47 X Bob Cunninghame, Franciesca, Julie Grant & Melanie Stephen Dunedin 48 M Ramash Swamy, Mark Anderson & Chris Short Hawera 49 XV Linda Mead & Derek Mead Lower Hutt 50 X Charlie Hand, Carol Hand, John Hayes & Megan Watson Christchurch 51 MF Des O'Regan & Duncan O'Regan Lyttelton 52 MN Russell Nicholls & Phillip Nicholls Alexandra 53 M Richard Hobbs, Lyndon Paynter & Tim Hartnell Christchurch 54 X Janet Wilson, Graham Peters & Yvette Cottam Manawatu 55 M Rob Jessop & Mark Lawson Auckland 56 MN Al Cross & Nigel Corry Wellington 57 MV Maurice Brown, Allistair Christie & Trevor Merrifield Blenheim & Chch 58 XN Graeme Ellis, Jessica, Mike Ferguson, Reuben, & Emma Blenheim 59 MN Fergus McConnell & Grant Allan Awapiri & Corleggy 60 X Sarah Underwood & William Power Wellington 61 M Phil Bones, Dave Wall & David Bones Christchurch 62 M Paul Stenhouse & Mark Lewis Dunedin 63 XN Helen Chapman, Gary Smith & Julian Morris Blenheim 64 MVN Chris James, Tony Reidie & Peter Young Nelson 65 WV Pam Whitla & Kathrin Mueller Christchurch 66 M Phil Wood & Darren Ashmore Auckland 67 WN Mea Ivory & Sue McFadgen Blenheim 68 XV Liz Nicholson & Jim Alpe Carterton 69 MN Kyle Christensen & Mark Preece Blenheim 70 David King & TBA Wellington