But the crowning glory of the latest event is the "Raceviewer" software. This lets you "play" the event for up to 5 teams at a time on a computer, watching the little dots working their way across a background of either the topo map or an aerial photo! In fact the organisers were able to play the routes of the top three teams of the 3 and 6-hour courses on a big screen at the meal and prizegiving immediately afterwards!
Read more about the Racereviewer here, including downloading a copy with data for every Piha team. You can see where those near your own score went; or even if you weren't there you can check out the course! The software makes a fair few assumptions, mostly that team speed was constant and they took assumed track routes between controls, but its very impressive. Author Jody Snowdon says that known split times can be put in, so the potential is obviously there to take the file from an event with electronic controls and do even better! Pete Squires' electronic controls have been used in the Australian Champs as well as the NZ event at Middlemarch - the post-rog analysis is going to get real fun! Might even be better than doing the event...
Further comment on the event is on the orienteering forum www.maptalk.co.nz Full results are on the Lactic Turkey website. Lactic Turkey's next rogaine is at the Cascades (also in the Waitaks) on 2 July.