Wellington Afterwork Rogaine Details

Orienteering Hutt Valley 2006 Programme

Next Event: 19 Oct 06

Following the Tararua24 event, Mike Sheridan and planners old and new have put their hands up for more afterwork rogaines, training sessions, and a couple of longer weekend events. The afterwork rogaines are usually 3 hours but occasionally might be shorter. Some new locations and some old favourites - but planners are even now finding new tracks and routes (and tunnels!) and getting them onto the map!

Standard entry fee for afterwork rogaines $5 per person, payable on the night. BUT there's a 50% discount for orienteering club members, actioned by giving you every second one free. To encourage secondary school participation, school students will be FREE. ALL orienteering clubs and the NZ Rogaine Association extend "members rates" to each other. But if you would like to join the club which pioneered rogaining in New Zealand and has run way more than any other, you can't go past Orienteering Hutt Valley. Subs for first-time orienteering members are half-price, the sub form is on the website www.mapsport.co.nz/hvoc/hvoc.html

Pre-registration by two days prior is encouraged to estimate map requirements: email You can also phone him on 04 562 8839. To help on-the-night check-in please also send Mike your home and cell-phone numbers when you register for the first time. This is for emergency purposes only. Talking of which please read the Safety Rules including compulsory gear.

The next event is at Plimmerton on Thu 19 Oct. Not a forest event but some cool runnings in an area not used for an afterwork rogaine before - have you ever been on the Taua Tapu Track?

The rest of the year's programme is:

This page assembled by and updated on 20 Sep 06.