No less than 13 rogaines have been scheduled in the greater Wellington area over the next 8 months, mostly 2- and 3hr afterwork events but including two 6/3hr Saturday rogaines. And this doesn't count the NZ Champs 24hr event, which the club has applied for and awaits national body approval. The club will also repeat the two evening training sessions which have been so popular.
Venues and Event Directors have been appointed for all but two of these events, reflecting the enthusiasm generated by the recent spring and summer afterwork rogaine series. Last night 15 of them attended a course planning workshop arranged by NZOF Rogaine Committee member Mike Sheridan. Aimed at urban and urban fringe afterwork rogaines, the skills at the same time will pave the way for larger events.
The Wellington programme is as follows. If changes should be necessary this page will not be updated, instead see the rogaine calendar.
For details of the next afterwork event including start time and place, see the Wgtn AW Details page.
The workshop included a basic risk analysis which led to some standard Wgtn AW Safety Rules.
This page written by and installed on 11 May 05, updated 13 May.