The next Hamilton Orienteering club event on Sunday 17 October will be a
A rogaine is a type of score event where you have a time limit and collect
as many points as possible within that time. Controls are worth different
points with controls close to the start finish usually worth fewer points
than those further away.
The start/finish area will be in the car park at Swarbrick's landing along
River Road. Watch for the orienteering signs.
There will be three time limit; 1 hr, 2 hrs and 3 hrs. You can start between
10 am - 1 pm. If you want to do the 3-hour option, please start before 11
Bikes are allowed in this event but you can only do the 1 and 2 hour options
on bike. All competitors, whether on bike or on foot must obey all traffic
rules and take care when crossing streets. Also make sure that you respect
other road and walkway users while participating in this event. Many, but
not all walkways are open to bikes - please obey the rules.
This page installed 8 october 2004.