The Prophets Rock E.P.I.C. 2004

20th & 21st November -- Clyde, Central Otago

The Prophets Rock E.P.I.C. 2004 is shaping up to be another rocky
experience...quite literally!! After several expeditions into the hills we have
placed heaps of checkpoints, found loads of interesting features, climbed lots
of pinnacles, peered over cliffs, waded rivers, and plodded through snow! This
year we are offering a 12hr and a 24hr course (with a mountainbike
section) find a partner, or two, or three and come along to explore
another stunning spot in sunny Central Otago!!

The race entry forms are now available on-line at
(navigate to the calendar page).

If you are keen to enter, please print the entry form, add your details and
post to EPIC Navigation...but be quick, due to venue capacity numbers will be

This page installed 15 October 2004