Eastbourne Rogaine Update
From the Course Planner - 4 March 2002 - Six weeks to go.
The Map
Initial fieldwork is well underway. Control sites have been selected and the
map set. Based on how long it was taking me to get around the controls I think
I could easily have set a 12 hour course - Never mind - Instead I have eliminated
a couple of fringe areas.
Don’t despair though - there will be more than enough to keep even the elite
teams busy with a number of different “obvious” loops and many route choice
variables along the way. Its looking like there will be 41 controls set in
about 40 sq km of bush!
To enable as many club members as possible to compete the vetter on this year’s
course is my GPS. Each control will be verified using this easy to use technology.
Controls will be in sites that are obvious on both the map and the real world.
That’s not to say it will be easy however - being surrounded by bush.
If you have never been in the area before the bush is superb. All quite navigable
with good travel on the spurs - Mostly open and usually with some sort of ground
trail. The streams and gulleys are quite fun and travel is ok - if slow in places -
There are patches of supplejack in the gulleys that may frustrate the impatient.
No dangerous bluffs or waterfalls but enough contours to exhaust everyone.
All in all a beautiful area. But expect travel to be a lot slower than you
would get on an event out there in the farmland.
Event Centre
The Eastbourne Scout Hall is an ideal site for the start/finish area.
A large carpark plus adjacent to the beach for a BBQ in the glorious sunshine
afterwards. There will be tables and chairs in the hall to enable people to do
course planning in comfort prior to the start.
The level of interest in the event to date has been very high - with inquiries
from Auckland, Taranaki, Manawatu, Wairarapa, Marlborough and Canterbury, and of
course Wellington. Entries have already started rolling in. I will start posting
entries onto the website soon. To encourage early entries there is a special draw
for a $50 petrol voucher for all entries received prior to 20th March.
Post your entry today - and pass the word on……
Controls and scoring
Taking a leaf out of the Marlborough Rogaine a waterproof “clipcard” will be
printed for the event - the only difference being you will need to write the
appropriate letter in the box - No clippers at this event, only flags with the
control number and a letter.
Also to speed up the marking process at the end I have developed a simple PC
system to streamline the results verification.
Partners Wanted
Three different people have said they are looking for partners for the event -
Don’t forget the Partners wanted section on the web site - or as a minimum give me
a yell and I will match you up.
Written by Mike Sheridan
and installed on 4 Mar 02.