20 Brave Weather at Eastbourne

Afterwork Rogaine 21 Sep 99

The sun is shining ... What a beautiful day. In contrast to last night when the temp was zero, the hail was pelting down, and it was dark!

What a huge turnout! 20 brave people turned out and did the "adventurous" Eastbourne course. With only 5 pulling out with weak excuses about the flu. As I heard Cheryl say, "This sure beats a night in front of the TV!"

Results are on the result page, with three teams tying for first place: Mark Copeland and Dave King (in spite of Mark trotting around the course), Cheryl Young and Richard Tait (not bad for first timers) and Ross Bidmead (the only person to do the northern circuit).

For those of you that missed the event I still have half a dozen maps available if you want to practise your planning and execution skills. The obvious markers (yellow ribbons) will probably be removed pretty quickly though.

Dave King has volunteered to organise the next event on the Southern Coast on 19th October., Chris Tait and Tony Gazley the event after that. To cover the cost of the maps please bring along $4 per person for future events. The course organiser will notify us before each event whether the controls are marked.

I notice there are a few other Wellingtonians going to Canterbury in January who are not on the email address list - please spread the word.

This page was written by Mike Sheridan and was installed on 7 Oct 99.
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