Alister says...
This is the second year thrashing about the undergrowth with a map in my hand. I got onto mapsport after submitting to my wife’s suggestions that I should “do it” instead of just saying “I’d like to do that” when sitting on the couch watching the likes of Southern Traverse and the Kepler Challenge. Tarmac and concrete don’t turn me on, I need something to think about other than “bugger this” when running, mapsport does the job.
I live on a lifestyle block just east of Edgecumbe, with wife Vicki, and three young children. We are members of the Rotorua Orienteering Club. We own and operate a small laboratory, testing mainly woodchip for the pulp and paper mills at Kawerau and Tokoroa, also a bit of dry matter analysis for the local maize growers.
The other members of RogaineNZ are Mark Copeland (Convenor, Auckland), Michael Wood and Mike Sheridan (Hutt Valley) and Dave Laurie (Christchurch).
This page was written by Michael Wood, and installed on 27 Aug 03.