Wellington MTBO Series Latest Event Details

Mt Victoria 17 Sep 05

OHV has an email list which it sends info to about its MTBO events including the Wellington MTBO Series. Sometimes the details don't make it onto the website. This page is to plug the gap by showing the latest location/start time info.

MTBO event #7 is the final event in the Wgtn MTBO series for 2005. It starts at the ASB Bank Wgtn Netball rooms, Hataitai netball courts, off Ruahine St. This is just thru the Mt Vic tunnel on the way to the airport. The area includes Mt Victoria and also goes south to Mt Albert and beyond! You're going to get a big map at a scale of 1:20,000, with an enlargement of the most tracky parts in the corner.

The event is a 2hr score event designed by Jill Ford and Jenny Visser. Those chasing points in the series must ride solo, anyone else is free to ride with a mate - particularly recommended for newcomers. Controls will be question-and-answer: the answer to a simple question is used to prove you visited each control point instead of the usual clippers. We'll give you a pencil but you might like to tuck a spare into your toolkit.

Bonus - pizza for all afterwards - while we work out the scores and hence the series result. Bring drinks of your choice.

Registration 12-1, everyone starts at 1:00. There will be a briefing at 12:50.

Entry Fees: $20 except juniors $10; $5 discount for orienteering club members. Half-price subscription to Orienteering Hutt Valley if you haven't belonged to an orienteering club before.

Assembled by and installed on 12 Sep 05.