Wellington Series Opener Offers Tuition

Tunnel Gully, 19 Mar 05

2005 is the sixth year of the Wellington MTB-Orienteering series, and enthusiasts meeting in December roughed out a programme of 8 events, on the third Saturday of each month from March.

The first event will be at Tunnel Gully on Sat 19 March. The area offers a mix of vehicle track and logging trails with some single-track, plus THE TUNNEL. The old railway alignment is easy riding, buit there are some steep bits as well. Logging has removed a couple of tracks, but it has also created others, so don't think you know the area off by heart!

In addition to the usual three courses, there will be a micro-MTBO course on grass ideal for beginners, and experienced orienteers can demonstrate how quick-witted they are! There is also a need to advise on map-carrying and other practicalities:-))The beginner hour is from 11 to 12; tutors with at least one season under their wheels are sought to help.

Registration is nominally 12 to 1, with starts 1 to 2pm. But if everything is ready the schedule may be advanced. The venue will be signposted from SH2 at Te Marua Dairy north of Upper Hutt.

Entry fees will be $20, $10 for 18 and under, and a $5 discount for members of orienteering clubs. Subscriptions for the organising club Orienteering Hutt Valley will be accepted on the day. There will be seven series events plus a championship in the area this year.

Meanwhile the Auckland dates are being re-jigged by Rob Garden. Recreational use of forest near the city takes a lot of coordinating, not to mention paying a fee to support the forest recreational coordinator! Further south, Kent Dixon is planning an event in Highlands Forest on 24 April. More details on these soon. And of course, NZ's first and biggest MTB-Orienteering - the Cyclic Saga - takes place this weekend in Canterbury.

Written by and installed on 10 Mar 05.