Muscial Chairs in Wellington

The original plan for Wellington this year was to have two series events, the area champs, and two more series events before the National champs. Access problems have required a rethink, and the four-event series will now finish before the area champs and the nationals. All events remain on the last Saturday of the month, as planned.

The important consequence is that the Next Event which is on 30 June will be at St Pats Forest on the west bank of the river at Upper Hutt. Organisers Brent Hoy and Michael Wood were looking for a different start point to give a new twist to the area, but decided that last year's start at Moonshine Park, on the city side of the river just south of the Moonshine Bridge, had a lot going for it. From Wellington Moonshine Bridge is on SH2 6km past the Haywards junction; turn right straight after the bridge, and immediately turn right again. From Masterton you are looking for a left into Moonshine Road, then immediately right.

Brent and Michael report that the hills haven't got any less steep, but that nice little track no wider than your bars is now completely ridable (though still a tight fit!) and they've opened up a new route which Course 1 and 2 may encounter. Plus done a lot of chainsawing where the weather has brought trees down across the tracks. Take a backpack and bring some firewood home...

Tunnel Gully (28 July) will finish off the series, and the Wellington Champs will be at Makara Peak on 25 August.

This page was written by Michael Wood, and was installed on 5 June 01, and updated on 27 June 01.
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