Setting an MTBO event at Waiuku was always going to be a challenge. The area is split by the sand mine and the surface is sandy to say the least. Having ridden there a number of times we knew that others would also have considerable knowledge of the fairly limited track network. We decided to set control sites that would be easy for the less experienced and kids, but also provide the faster and more experienced riders with the challenge to get a few at the river end. Surveying the area revealed that many tracks were horribly slow and as I personally don't like pushing my bike I concentrated on control placements that would minimise this.
One of the key skills for MTBO is the ability to memorise the routes to controls so that a rider can concentrate on the biking, with that in mind we intoduced the three bonus controls. Some people claimed they hadn't seen the vital clues on the 6 controls they were attached to, but they were all retrieved with the controls. It was something new to include in the event and added a new factor when riders needed to alter their plans.
We had an interesting situation when placing control 22. We arrived at the area to place the control to find the site itself had completely disappeared into the Tasman Sea - along with one of the tracks into it! It had crossed my mind during the night that the cliff could have further eroded by Sunday morning with the wind and high seas out there.
I would like to thank Gerhard Heyden for his help in putting out and collecting controls and Counties Manukau Club for allowing us to use their controls and caravan. It made our lives so much easier.
Rob Garden has assured me that his next event will have plenty of suprises so be prepared! He has an amazing network of tracks at his back door so the next events are not to be missed! For those wanting to see abit of the area at Rob's place there is a foot rogaine series this weekend. The navigation is similar to last weekend with controls mainly on tracks so contact Neil Kerrison ASAP to enter or visit
Some times are estimated. Time is only used for lateness penalties or to break ties.
This page was written by and installed on 30 May 07.