NZ MTBO Team Announced

The NZ team for the first official transtasman MTB-orienteering challenge has been announced. The team will contest open and veteran classes in both men and women, at an event in Victoria on 29 Sep. This follow's NZ's pioneering unofficial event at Waitarere in January last year.

The team is:
Womens Open: Jenni Adams (PAPO), Meg Foulds (PAPO), Christina Renhart (WACO)
Mens Open: Jason Blair (PAPO), Stuart Lynch (WACO)
Womens Veteran: Jill Dalton (WACO), Dianne Michels (NWOC)
Mens Veteran: Rob Garden (NWOC), Michael Wood (OHV)

Womens Open: Rachel Smith (WOC)
Mens Open: Alistair Cory-Wright (PAPO), Paul Dalton (WaiOC)
Mens Veteran: Steve Meeres (OHV)

Womens Veteran: Jo Wilson (SOC)

The team is a small one and won't come home with any trophies, according to manager Michael Wood. "However I can remember my first Australia-NZ foot-orienteering challenge 17 years ago, I think we might have won one class out of 20. Now we regularly win on home soil and can realistically contemplate an away win sometime soon."

The trip will include a week's training on areas near the challenge, which will also be relevant for the World MTBO Champs next year. Adams, Garden and Wood all have long experience in orienteering coaching, and the team will also be accompanied by Claire Heppenstall (PAPO) who represented UK in the last World MTBO Champs, and Carsten Jorgensen (PAPO) who is a world-class foot-orienteer. Arrangements in Victoria are being assisted by Ken and Anitra Dowling, formerly of DOC.

This page was written by Michael Wood, installed on 27 Aug 03 and updated 5 Sep and 17 Sep.