Sample MTBO Maps on the Web

Maps from the Wgtn Series 2000

MTBO enthusiast Graeme Roberts, who runs the website for the Wairarapa Orienteering Club, has put up a section devoted to MTBO. It contains the four maps drawn specially for the Wgtn Series, together with the foot-orienteering maps of two of the same areas for comparison.

The files take a while to download, but if you've never seen a map drawn specially for MTBO before they will repay the wait. Orienteers will note that there is only one shade of green and hardly any detail between the tracks. MTBO is a track-based competition, that's plenty hard enough, and riders are only slowly getting used to using the ridability and contour information in their route choices.

Link now to the Wairarapa Orienteering Club. Thanks Graeme.

This page was written by Michael Wood, and was installed on 9 Sep 00
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