Thank you for your entry to the MTBO Champs and I hope you are looking forward to an enjoyable weekend. It is suggested you read the following information thoroughly and if you have any queries about the event, please contact Rob Crawford on 09-2355346


Waiuku Forest is easy to find, and the event will be signposted from the centre of Waiuku. For those who want some navigation practice on the way, from the centre of Waiuku (coming in from Auckland), turn left - go out of town and after 7 km you come to a 'T' intersection. Turn right - after another 4 km you come to the forest access road on your right (note, no signpost). After 2.5km you come to the forest entrance.

Saturday's event centre is at the first picnic area 5.5 km along the forest access road. Sunday's event centre is at the fire depot 200 metres in from the forest entrance.

Start times for Saturday are from 1 p.m., while Sunday's event starts at 10 a.m. Start times will be preallocated and sent out during the week before the event.


Information is given in the following format: Course length (straight line), number of controls, estimated riding length, metres of climb, estimated winning time.


Course 1: 8.3km, 9 controls, 14.7 km, 230 metres, 63 minutes
Course 2: 6.8km, 9 controls, 10.7 km, 200 metres, 48 minutes
Course 3: 5.3 km, 7 controls, 8.6 km, 140 metres, 45 minutes


Course 1: 20.9 km, 15 controls, 34.7 km, 560 metres, 128 minutes
Course 2: 16.4 km, 12 controls, 25.5 km, 350 metres, 92 minutes
Course 3: 8.5 km, 10 controls, 11.8 km, 220 metres, 65 minutes
Course 4: 6.5 km, 7 controls, 8.7 km, 170 metres, 60 minutes

While the courses may seem long, especially on Sunday the majority of riding is on roads and well-formed tracks.


Waiuku Forest is a sand dune pine plantation forest on the northern mouth of the Waikato River. Height difference in the forest is 0-130 metres. The forest is almost cut into two by a sand mine. The area has a moderate road and track network, with an access road (gravel) almost traversing the length of the forest down to two picnic areas at the river mouth. Most tracks are well formed (being old forest roads), and there are some sandy single tracks, used by trail bikes and horses.

While the map is new, please be aware that graziers and recreational users use the forest. In particular, there is cattle in the forest and it is most important that gates are left as they are found (usually closed). Electric fences are used in the forest, but most of these have no power - but to be safe, it is suggested you treat them all as live. There is also an off-road rally the week before our event and roads/tracks will be checked for any changes in rideability.


There is a lot of information in here - please read carefully:

Out Of Bounds Areas:

The Sand Mine is strictly out of bounds. It is marked on the map with vertical purple stripes with a thick purple line indicating its boundary. On the ground, the mine area is bordered by a 7-strand fence with signs at regular intervals. Note that some of the mine area still has trees - no attempt has been made to map vegetation within the mine area.

All farmland on the map is also strictly out of bounds. This has been represented by the use of words ("Out Of Bounds" and "O.O.B.") rather than OOB symbols so as not to obliterate contour information.

The beach is out of bounds - the coastline (both river and ocean) has not been accurately mapped (and is tidal). You probably wouldn't want to ride it anyway.

And of course, all forest is out of bounds - keep to the tracks! (but see notes below).

Roads and Tracks:

Assume all tracks and roads marked on the map are allowable (including roads/tracks that border or run through farmland) - the only exceptions being:
a) Roads/tracks just inside the sand mine area that have been put on just in case someone gets hopelessly lost;
b) A track that goes down to the shooting range - this has been marked as a forbidden route (purple crosses). While on the subject of the shooting range, Course 1 and 2 on Sunday use a track that has a warning sign regarding the shooting range - ignore it - when on this track you will immediately notice the track that IS out of bounds to your right (and that also has a warning sign); and
c) 2 tracks near a road junction in farmland - shown to assist navigation

Tracks have been mapped and printed according to international convention, with some variations.

The "Highway" Symbol (3 black lines with brown infill) has been used to indicate roads that are sealed. These roads are public roads so obey road rules when on them.

The "Minor Road" symbol (2 black lines with brown infill) has been used to indicate the forest access road only. This has been done as this road is open to public use during the weekend and so you should obey road rules when on it.

All other forest roads (and old forest roads) have been mapped using the "Track - Easy Riding" symbol (thick black line). Be aware that there is none or very little difference in rideability between the forest access road and other forest roads.

The "Difficult to Ride" track and path symbols have been saved for very sandy tracks used by horses and trail bikes. Some horse trails aren't too bad and have been mapped using the "Slow Ride" symbol (as I could ride them, so you should be able to as well!)

The NZ peculiarity of showing allowable routes in green has NOT been used. There is only one allowable route that is not a track - it affects Course 1 on Sunday only and has been marked as a difficult to ride path - it is a route that follows the edge of the forest boundary (inside the boundary fence) mainly through open land - navigation is obvious (just follow the fence if you use this route).

In a couple of places, tracks have not been shown going through forest clearings (as no track exists), but it is allowable to ride through the clearings. In other cases, I would suggest you don't plan on riding through clearings or large open areas as they are full of toi-toi, gorse and other nasty surprises!

Track Junctions:

Distinct and indistinct junctions are differentiated on the map. Don't expect indistinct junctions to jump out at you as you ride past! A couple of paths are indistinct in places but generally follow fences (use contour and other map information to assist you).

Track Obstacles:

In NZ, we're used to obstacles on tracks being marked in purple. Internationally, they're marked using green. On this map, they're marked as a green dash straddling the track or road, and represent either a permanent gate or fallen logs/trees. Fence-type gates have not been mapped as obstacles (these are at about every track/road junction)


Fences have not been mapped, mainly for clarity - they border many roads and tracks. The forest boundary fence has been put on the map where relevant to aid Course 1 (Sunday) riders.


The forest contains a mixture of mature and young trees. All forest has been mapped as white, except for recently replanted areas (where trees are about 2 metres high) - these areas are represented by the "Rough Open" symbol (a yucky yellow colour). There is an area of trees about 6 metres high that is white.

There is an area of forest not mapped (old sand mine now replanted). The road bordering this area is available to ride.

Vegetation Boundaries have not been mapped as they can be confused with difficult to ride paths.

Water Troughs/Water Tanks:

These also have not been mapped (sorry, but there's a truckload of them)


Index Contours have been used for every fifth contour (that is at 50 meters and 100 meters a.s.l.). Spot heights have also been used, as contours do not traverse the entire map (contours not mapped through the sand mine). So the numbers 50 and 100 occasionally appear on the map representing height to assist you (with the top of the number representing the upside of the slope).


START - is 1.2 km further along the forest access road to the second picnic area. Allow time to get to the start and KEEP LEFT when riding to the start as the road may have competitors on it (not to mention public users). Competitors using this section of the road should obey road rules and KEEP LEFT as well.

Course 1 and 2 go through an area that is grazed, and riders may use a track that has been recently cut - shown as "difficult to ride", but note the track further on ("slow ride") is much more rideable. The electric fences near the first 2 controls on course 1, and between controls 1 and 2 for Course 2 will be on.


START - is 400 metres along the forest access road (uphill). Allow time to get to the start and KEEP LEFT.

In some cases, course overprinting lines have been slightly moved or bent so as not to obliterate important map information.

Course 1 and 2 - one or two small sections of "difficult to ride" single track has been marked as a solid black line for clarity (otherwise you might not see it) - these are in areas of other difficult to ride paths so are obvious where.

Course 1 - a difficult to ride path stops at the start of a gully and restarts at the end of the gully - the gully is rideable and an allowable route. Oh, and don't try and ride through the open area between controls 12 and 13, you won't get through (easily).

Courses 3 and 4 - as advised in the pre-event information, Course 4 exists as a shortened version of Course 3. You all start off on Course 3, and recreational participants ONLY have the option while on course of taking the cut-off. The cut-off is from control 6 to control 10 and is marked on the map with a dashed purple line and the words "Course 4". Course 3 participants IGNORE the dashed purple line.