Mapping Conventions for MTBO

Here are the latest conventions for MTBO maps. They show the "cyclability" and width of roads and tracks, in much the same way as maps for foot-orienteers show "runnability" of forest. These were obtained on 29 June 99 from the IOF MTBO Chairman, Jean-Paul Hosotte, of France. I have paraphrased J-P's English a bit.

Other aspects of MTBO maps are as for foot-orienteering, although the off-track details may be simplified as they are not relevant. Note that orienteering maps show open land as yellow and forest as white or green. The scale for MTBO is 1:20,000 or 25,000. But note that this is "early days" for MTBO in NZ, and you will get maps which don't conform to the ideal. Don't let it stop you enjoying your ride!!


(a) Riding: easy (continuous line), slow (dash line), difficult (short dash or dotted line)

(b) Width: more than 1.5m (thick line or dash line) vehicle track, can be used by four-wheeled vehicles, always possible to pass or cross other bikers.
Width less than 1.5m (thin line or dash line or dotted) too narrow for a four wheeled vehicle, hiking path.

The 6 Symbols

This page was written by Michael Wood, and was installed on 18 July 99
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