Stuart Lynch-pin at Riverhead

3hr Riverhead Trailquest, 20 Dec 03

Mountain-biker and multisporter Stuart Lynch was the key in the winning teams in both yesterday's 3-hr rogaine and Saturday's Trailquest (MTBO Score event) in Riverhead Forest near Auckland. Marquita Gelderman narrowly beat current NZ MTBO Champion Kelly Fogden in the womens class for the 3-hour trailquest.

Lynch has a natural instinct for navigation, and was the top kiwi man in the recent Australia-NZ MTB-orienteering Challenge in Victoria in September. He posted the second-fastest time in the challenge.

There were about 80 people in the trailquest, which followed a similar weekend two weeks ago at Woodhill. The organisers are planning another MTBO event in Riverhead in February, which may go over two days.

Results will be on the Lactic Turkey website shortly.

This page was written by Michael Wood, and installed on 22 Dec 03.